
29-Years-Old Bachelor Was… Brought to a Different World to Live

Sir_Smurf2 · Fantasy
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133 Chs

Chapter 27: It's Almost Time to Get Ready

It's been a little over two weeks since Princess Kalnera's uproar. About two weeks left until the Great Flooding occurs. The preparation against the Great Flood was increasing steadily. The construction of the fourth wall, which had been progressing at a rapid pace, might be completed in time for the Great Flood, and it seemed that an unprecedented rush of construction was taking place in the new city area. The removal of miscellaneous buildings built outside the walls and construction of defensive positions were underway. It's very annoying for the people who lived there, but either way, if the monsters rushed in large numbers due to the flood, that area would burn in the flames of war. The work seemed to be progressing quietly without any major problems. Huge housing complexes were being built one after another in the new city area to accommodate refugees who had lost their homes and people who evacuated from their small rural villages. However, the people who managed to get their hands on such housing complexes were the lucky ones. The new town and outer walls were overflowing with refugees who seeked housing. [They can't stay…] I could only mutter bitterly while looking at those people from the top of the Fourth Wall. There were still more rooms in my mansion, but there's no way we could accommodate all the refugees who were overflowing here. Refugees were only allowed to enter the new city, but recently there had been an influx of refugees seeking housing within the walls. Well, most of them were picked out as soon as they were found. However, the problem of the influx of refugees in the new city was serious. There were many problems such as declining security, deteriorating sanitation, and soaring commodity prices. Fortunately, Karendil Kingdom's food production capacity was high for the basic foodstuffs such as wheat, which had prevented them from rising in price. The price of meat was also relatively stable because the monsters subjugated by the Knights of the Royal Capital were released to the market at a low price. When I went with the Knights of the Royal Capital, I brought back all the edible monsters, so it may have helped a little. My level and Marl's level had also increased since then, with mine at 31 and Marl's at 20. Let's check my status. ===== Skill points 21 points (skill reset possible) Name Taichi Mitsuba Level 31 [Skills] Sword Mastery 5, Martial Arts 5, Polearms Mastery 5, Shooting 1, Magic Combat 3, Fire magic 3, Water magic 3, Wind magic 3, Earth magic 3, Pure magic 5, Recovery magic 5, Ancient magic 2, Barrier magic 3, Life magic, Physical strengthening 5, Magic strengthening 5, Magic power recovery 5, Negotiation 2, Cooking 1, Riding 2, Blacksmithing 5, Presence detection 3, Danger detection 3, Appraisal eye, Magic eye, Poison resistance 3 ===== By maximizing the level of physical enhancement, the stats became ridiculous. Raising the magic strengthening to the maximum also pumped up the total amount of MP to a terrifying level. There should be a big change when pure magic and recovery magic reach level 5. I wondered how much stronger these skills had become. As for how much I had improved, first of all, I became able to hold a stone that would take four large men to lift, as if I was lifting an empty cardboard box. Even without using strengthening, I could now run faster than a horse sprinting, and I kept that pace for hours without getting out of breath. Somehow, it felt like I'm becoming a real Superman. The rest was magic. As for pure magic, at level 3 I learned light beams and magic explosion, at level 4 magic cannon and explosive magic bullets, and at level 5 maximum explosion magic. I've used the light beam before, so it's fine, but the magic explosion was a magic that blew away the surroundings with a shockwave. If I ran into a group of monsters and activated this, the monsters would be blown away. The magic cannon was a single-shot and more powerful version of the light beam. It released magical power in the form of a bursting laser. It made me want to shout . The explosive magic bullet was an enhanced version of the magic bullet that flies with lock-on. But I don't know if it's intentionally made that way, the explosion was at the level where it could decimate a small house in one shot. The maximum explosion fires long-range light bullets. A crater with a radius of about 100 meters was created at the point of impact. I didn't know it had such a wide range. I nearly died when I tested it because I was standing 50 meters away from the target. Honestly, the power is too high. The only use I could think of is to hurl it at a large group of monsters. If I shoot with all my might, it may even destroy a castle. Recovery magic consisted of more effective heals, healing magic for diseases, area recovery magic, and magic to repair missing parts. As expected, there seems to be no resurrection magic. If for example, the torn arm is available, I can use less mp to mend it back. But even if there isn't, I can still use the recovery magic, and the torn arm will grow back. It was slightly horror to see. However, it would require rehabilitation to move it back to normal, and it would take several years for it to return to normal enough to withstand combat. The test benches were the adventurers who accompanied us during the monster subjugation. There were many among the participants who were inferior in terms of overall strength, so there was no end to the injuries. Even so, there were some who were fierce enough to outdo the knights. For example, there was this trio of A-rank adventurers. All three were magic swordsmen who were level 40 or higher and could use both weapons and magic. There are such talented people after all. Of course, they were all old men. Reality is not sweet. Marl has also grown steadily, her sword mastery has reached level 3, and she has finally mastered the dual wielding skill. Her Alchemy has reached level 3 and she also learned life magic, while water magic, and wind magic has reached level 2. She also learned how to do the magic strike and has gained magic combat skill. It's a pity that I can't see her HP and MP, but thanks to magic, magic attacks, and high-quality equipment, she has become much stronger than other knights. She stands out with her dress armor, and because she's a real princess, she's popularly known as the "Sword Princess of the Gale". Isn't it better than a saintess (laughs)? Recently, I've become famous because I've been going on conquests with the Knights of the Royal Capital and achieving great results each time. I was originally known as Troll Smasher , then after I single-handedly annihilated an army of orcs, I became known as Destroyer . And when I got carried away and blew away a horde of monsters with a massive explosion, people started calling me Slaughterer or Exterminator Exterminator is still cool sounding, but what's with Slaughterer? [Taichi-san.] Marl, in dress armor, ran over the fourth wall that surrounded the new city. It seems that she's been looking at the city from all the way over there. The people who recognized Marl cheered under the ramparts. Marl smiled and waved at that voice, and cheers erupted. Are you an idol now? [Ehehe, you've become famous.] Saying that, Marl hugged my arm. A booing sounds from under the castle walls. [Shut up! Marl is mine! You'll never have her!] When I shouted back, laughter erupted among the boos. Somehow, it doesn't seem like I'm hated that much either. I feel a little relieved. Though it seems that some of them are seriously booing. Marl and I descended from the Fourth Wall and joined the knights. In the event of great flooding, I will first use magic to blow away a wide area from the top of the 4th castle wall. Today is the preview. The people rushed to see Marl and cheered. The knights are guarding against the crowd. She really turned into an idol, huh? While being guarded by the Knights, we pushed through the new town and enter the wall. Once inside the wall, it's no surprise that it's hidden behind the wall. There are many guards around here, and there are also knights living there, so the security is good. Even so, passers-by would turn to look back at us and pay attention to what we're doing. ========= [Welcome back, Master.] When I arrived at the mansion, Fram greeted me. It's been more than a month since I bought Fram. but since that talk, Fram has been seriously working at the mansion without any complaint. At most, she pretended to seduce me and joke around with me and Marl. I think it's necessary to have another discussion soon. [Fram, please come to the living room. I need to talk to you.] [Understood.] I put my armor back into my inventory to get comfortable. As for the armor and clothes I have equipped, I can put them directly into your storage, so taking them off is very easy. I still have to wear it normally though. Marl was changing clothes in the bedroom. I head to the living room ahead of the others and tell Maybel to make some tea and bring it to the living room. Fram simply followed behind me. [Sit down.] [Yes, excuse me.] Soon after, Maybel pushed a cart with tea on it. Until Marl arrives, Fram and I have some tea and wait. Marl came down soon after. Now that everyone has gathered, let's start the discussion. [Firstly.] Saying that, I took out a long steel sword and placed it on the table in the living room. Fram looked down at the long sword for a moment and waited for my words. [There will be great flooding in about two weeks. I don't think anything will happen here because it's inside the walls, but I don't know what will happen. Please use this to protect yourself and Maybel.] Jack-san will be just fine. That guy is secretly quite skilled in swordsmanship and martial arts. [I've said it many times before, but I'm a criminal slave. Moreover, in the past, I tried to kill Master and Marl-sama. I can't afford to carry a weapon.] [This is not a request, it's an order. Fram, pick up this sword and protect yourself and the lives of the people in the mansion. However, you don't have to defend this mansion to the death. Human life comes first, understand?] […..understood.] A contract of slavery magic was exchanged between me and Fram. She cannot refuse if it's an order. Now that I think about it, I feel like this is the first time I've given an overt order like this. Fram picked up the steel longsword on the table and unsheathed it. It is also a sword I made, and of course the quality is Transcendent . It's a simple straight sword with few decorations. I felt that Fram would be hesitant about expensive items such as Mithril. It stands out. [I feel this is too good for me.] [It can't be helped since I made it, so bear with it. Do you have any other requests in terms of treatment? As much as I forced you to do something, I would like to fulfill what I can.] Fram nodded at my words, sheathed the sword back and started talking. She had this big smile that I had never seen before. [Right. It's been over a month since Master bought me, but when will I receive Master's grace?] The air in the place froze with a crackling sound. Marl's hand that was holding the tea cup trembled. Cold sweats started coming out. Maybel's eyes were shining brightly. She's already at that age, you know, when she's starting to feel curious about that kind of thing. [You must mean a day off. Yes, let's make Sundays your day off.] [Please, it's cowardly to deviate from the topic despite knowing what I mean, Master. Not being asked to do such a duty as a slave is a scary thing. Making me wonder when I'll be thrown away.] So it's about thaaaaaaaaat!! Why am I making such careless remarks! [N, no.] [Is it a lie when you said I want to grant what I can ?] Think me, think! I should be able to Fram thinks that Duty is part of the job of a slave, and she's worried about me not asking for it. In other words, I should've told her that she doesn't have to do that from the beginning. Yep. [Th-That's true. But isn't this different? Fram is just not cool. You haven't forgotten what I did to you, right? Even if I bought you, I don't have the qualifications to do that, and Fram doesn't have to do something you don't want in the first place. There's no need to worry about that.] Fram nodded at my words and smiled deeply, while Marl let out a sigh and hung her head. What? Did I fail? Did I say something strange? [In other words, as long as I'm willing, and if I wish for it, Master will give me his grace, right?] […Eh? No, no, no, no! No! Why is that happening!? No, that's not making any sense! Hey, I have Marl already!] Ignoring my words, Fram turned her gaze to Marl with a smile on her face. Marl made a bitter expression upon receiving that gaze. [Marl-sama? Do you still remember your promise?] [It depends on interpretation though?] [But you promised to accept this pattern too, right?] Marl let out a sigh at Fram's counterpoint. It's like she's admitting defeat. [Kuh, it can't be helped… I promised you.] [Huh? Promise? What's that!?] [It's a promise between women. It's a secret from Master.] It seems that a secret agreement was exchanged between Marl and Fram without my knowledge. Wha… What is going on here!? [It's alright, I'll be sleeping with Maybel-chan tonight. Stupid Taichi-san.] Saying that, Marl pulled Maybel by the hand and tried to leave the living room. [Eh, wait, Marl-san!? Wai, wait! Why is this happening!?] [It's a promise. You hear that, Taichi-san? You can't run away. I'll get angry if you run away, got it?] Marl glared at me with resentful eyes, and closed the door to the living room. Only me and Fram were left in the living room. What do you mean, what does this mean? [Then Master, let's go to the bedroom. Will you bestow your grace on me?] Fram stood up from the sofa and held out her hand to me while holding the sword scabbard in the other hand. I shouldn't grab her hand. Once I do, there will be no turning back. [If you run away, you'll embarrass Marl-sama, won't you? Do you intend to embarrass Marl-sama?] Thus, I took her outstretched hand. ========== [Ah, ah, ahhh…] As far as the sun is shining, it looks like it's still evening. On my chest, Fram was exhaling lusciously. As Fram wished, I――I did her. [That's it!] The door opens with a bang along with Marl's scream. When I turned my gaze, there was Marl in her underwear. Ayeeeee!? Why!? Is she only in her underwear!? [Marl-sama, are you going to get back on your own words?] [No, I can't break my promise! I won't get in your way!] [Then what do you mean?] [I'm joining in!] Marl rushed into the bed after saying that. Stop it, you idiot. In the end, the three of us ended up spending the day without even having dinner. But, my 830 points in VIT isn't just for show. I won the battle. … ….. .... [How did this happen...] I muttered after I woke up. On the left and right, Marl and Flam were sleeping peacefully. It's true that this is a man's dream, but a sense of guilt wells up inside me. No, since both Marl and Fram agree, there's nothing to worry about, right? However, given the circumstances, it's not that easy… I looked at Fram, and our eyes happened to meet. It seemed that she just woke up. [Master is a man. No need to worry about too many details. You really are too cautious of a person] Saying that, she smiled and leaned over. A soft, bouncy object that cannot be compared to Marl's was pressed against me. Oh, this is this. When I thought about that, Marl on the other side also hugged me. It looks like she's really just sleeping. [I don't know. I'm a bad person at heart, so if I don't think about things as much as possible, I feel like I'm drowning.] [At that time, Marl-sama will pull you up. Why doesn't Master enjoy a little more self-depravity? It's almost as if Master is in a hurry to live sometimes.] [Gununu, it's like the devil's whisper.] I continued talking with Fram until Marl woke up. It was the first time I had talked to Fram like this. I wonder if the more we bring our body closer, the closer our heart got. It was kind of weird, but it didn't feel bad. Somehow, I feel like something stuck in my heart has fallen away. ========== [Marl-sama, what did you promise anyway?] [If Taichi-san says it's okay, I'll accept it.] [Hmmm, are you alright?] [It's fine. It'll be a pity to make Taichi-san endure it when I get pregnant in the future.] [Is, is it about what I think it is?] [That's what concubines are like. Does Maybel-chan want to become one too?] [Eh, um… I'll think about it.]