
29-Years-Old Bachelor Was… Brought to a Different World to Live

Sir_Smurf2 · Fantasy
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133 Chs

A black-haired adventurer → A boy with a magic sword and a girl from the age of gods

 What happened after that? The hero lived happily ever after with his many wives. picture? Until now, you've told a story that doesn't seem like it's for children, so don't end it like a fairy tale at the end, okay? It's troublesome.

 Then let me ask you, what are you worried about? Ah, the children of heroes. I was born safely. Of course, there were midwives dispatched from a large country, elixirs, and hero recovery magic. Heroes are always in a rush during childbirth, and it's said that even heroes who silence crying children, even royalty and nobles, get chills at this time.

 The children grew up quickly, becoming splendid leaders who would support the next generation of the Federation of Brave Demons, becoming excellent warriors, wizards, hunters, and alchemists.

 Other than that? Oh, did you really become a god? Now, is there anyone who worships that hero as a god? Yes, that's the answer. However, it seems that neither the grave of the hero nor the grave of his wives are in there. Oh really. It's a certain story because there was an academic investigation decades ago. According to one theory, by overcoming the god's trial, he became friends with a certain god and had a relationship of giving and receiving. Unexpectedly, you might even get eternal life and wander around. picture? Vulgarity? It's good of you not to say it directly.

 How many wives did the hero have in the end? That's right. A lot!

 picture? Don't mislead me I can't help it... um, first of all, ten people got married, right? After that, two elves will be added, and if the god I mentioned earlier is added, one more will be added. After that, one demon tribe and one elf from the Great Tree Sea, one each of Princess Calynella's handmaiden, one Lamia and one Harpie from the Great Forest, and among the girls who helped the evil aristocrats before establishing the country, there was a daughter of the night demon tribe. One, one dwarven daughter of Mountbath, um... twenty exactly! Human scum? No no, the hero's family seems to have been harmonious until the end, you know? Is twenty too many for that? Yeah, I think so too.

 Other than that--.

"Taishi-san! We're leaving!"

 Aiyo. Well, I'm calling you, so that's all. yeah? Same name as the hero?

 Hahaha, names like this aren't unusual these days, are they? It's the name of the founder of the Clover United States, which now rules over the Pete Continent, isn't it?


 In the forest that spreads out near a certain town. The ruins were located in a corner of a vast forest that was once called the Great Forest and is now called the Forestine Autonomous Region.

 It is a ruin of an ancient magic civilization called "Ruins of No Return" where no one who enters returns.

 In the deepest part of such ruins, in a place called the control room by the ancients of the ancient magic civilization, a man was operating a terminal emitting a vague light.

 It's almost over. It will be completed in a little while.

 Run the uniquely devised code-breaking formula on the console, and proceed with the work while steadily nullifying the counter-method of the ancient magic civilization that tries to interfere with the analysis.

 The strongest weapon that burned down the ancient magic civilization, the strongest and worst weapon that fires the power of the fallen old god as cannonballs! Its power will soon come under my control.

 With this power, I can look back at the Academy guys who made a fool of me. I can look back on him, on him, on him. Come on... Come on! love! love!

 Perhaps his prayers were answered, and the code-breaking ceremony finally revealed the password necessary to activate the ancient magic furnace. After that, if you enter this password, the ancient magic furnace will completely restart. The wisdom of the old world, which seals the old gods in the body of flesh and sucks out their power inexhaustibly, the pseudo-god furnace revives.

 With fingers trembling with excitement, he enters the password and double-checks it for mistakes. And then, it was time to finally hit the OK key.


 Along with an ear-splitting explosion, the white Chronomics wall, known as an indestructible material, shattered, and the fragments scattered throughout the room. That's so stupid, it can't be possible.

"It's hard to live like you can't live freely even if you stick one foot in God."

 The one who stepped into the control room while saying that in a languid voice was a black-haired man who seemed to be found anywhere. He's a man in shabby leather armor with a fine sword made of a white material - Chronomics, presumably. 89 out of 10, it's probably some sort of adventurer. No matter how much I wield a magic sword made by Chronomics, I, who possesses the greatest wisdom of mankind, like an adventurer, is not the kind of opponent I would fear.

 However, the atmosphere that the man emits—that feeling of ambition makes me cringe.

"What are you talking about? Who are you!?"

 I was taken aback by the suddenness of it, but when I regained my composure, I immediately drew the weapon from the holster on my waist and pointed it at the man. This weapon is a powerful magic gun that was used in ancient magic civilizations. It's a high-performance item that can't be compared to the magic guns made in the world today, and the magic bullets fired from this guy can incapacitate the target just by grazing it. There is nothing to be afraid of, such as a woodpecker adventurer.

"I don't think you'll understand even if I say it, and even if I do, you won't believe me. Anyway..."

 Also, that Haki. His body crouches and his knees tremble. I desperately endure being on my knees.

 I hate it, it's been a while Infinite power is almost in my hands...!

"That's all for you."


 This is the tavern of a certain adventurer's guild. Adventurers gossiping while licking cheap alcohol.

"The ruins that never returned are on empty land, huh. I can't believe I haven't seen them. Anyway, isn't the ruins sturdy?"

"Hey, you know it's me. But I've actually seen it with my own eyes. It's clean, and it's completely vacant without a trace."

 While we were talking about that, there were new people coming through the doors of the Adventurer's Guild. A man with black hair, a woman with brown hair, a woman with brown hair who seems to be his sister, and a woman with long black hair.

 Despite the piercing gaze, the four of them turned their feet to the bulletin board where the request was posted.

"It's been a long time since I've been out, so it's good to be excited!"

"Since it's a chance, how about clearing up the pickled requests that haven't been resolved for a while?"

"If you don't get behind such a request properly, you'll get involved in trouble."

"Well, I guess that's fine. It fits the purpose of being exciting. Ah, I think everyone should buy some souvenirs."

 Saying so, the man peels off a request form from the bulletin board and takes it to the counter.

"Tch, you harem bastard"

"What is it?

"Don't do that. I pray in my heart that it will perish... Even so, is it a salting request? Have you ever heard of the salting request disappearing?"

"Of course.

"No, that's what I heard when I was drinking with the guild staff before, but it was actually completed. However, there is no record of who completed it, and the staff member who accepted the quest order. But even the client who sent the request doesn't seem to remember who completed it.

"That's a crazy story. Are you okay, Adventurer's Guild?"

 It is a big problem that such information is not managed properly. Normally, it would make a big fuss.

"For some reason it doesn't seem to be a problem… why are you talking about this?"

"Oh...? Well, anything is fine. Hey! Another ale!"

 The waiter's daughter answers the adventurer's order, and ale is brought. When I turned my eyes to the entrance of the Adventurer's Guild, I saw a black-haired man walking out with the women.

"Hey, it's okay, he's like that. He doesn't seem to be in trouble with money, women, or power, and he really feels like he's free."


 The swing door shook with a squeak, and a pair of men and women entered. A brown-haired boy with a normal sword and a splendid wide sword on his waist, and a girl with hair that sparkles like silver thread.

"There's something that stands out."

"The sword is splendid, but... ah, that bastard from Golz immediately went to get involved."

"Two large copper coins for those who are blown away by Goltz's idiot"

"Then I'm going to get two for the boy who gets beaten up. That being said, it's a pity for that young lady to do something to that bastard Goltz, so I'll prepare to stop it."

"Hey hey, don't be nice"

 The two adventurers pay attention to the movements of the third-rate adventurer and the boys, who are only big in stature. By then, no one cared about the black-haired man with the three beauties.