
28th of January

An eye for an eye. You took my heart, now it's payback time.

JL_Speyn · Urban
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4 Chs



The golden dash of light acceded to the very line of the skyline above. It was one of the most precious experiences that he underwent in his very existence. The humming of birds, the growling of twilight wind, and the silvery light of the dormant day-star were all he ever wanted to see before he recedes...before he ran out of breath.

Charles rubbed his eyes and fixed his school bag. He put all of his notebooks back inside and plastered a small and casual smile on his lips. He heaved a petite and round sigh.

"Aren't we going home, yet?" Charles asked in a monotonous pitch his voice may allow. "It's getting darker," he added and softly patted Daniel's head.

"Can't we stay a little bit more?" Daniel's eyes were sparkling in a thousand stars above them. The reverberation of the clandestine zodiacs in that indigo painted sky was superbly aesthetic as it may be compared to Daniel's narrowed eyes. "just...you and me?"

Charles nibbled his lips. How could Daniel be so attractive in such small acts of him that pleased every limb of Charles's entirety?

They were relaxing, leaning their backs on the tall and solitary mango tree that was on that open course, few kilometers away from their residences sequentially, that was full of lawn, tall, and fine grass. The towering and salubrious green grass barred their eyes to have a sight of the horizon but it was more than enough since they have each other.

He, Charles Montgomery was a second-year high school in Norbury Manor Secondary Modern School while Daniel Reinhart was a year ahead of him. For college, Charles wanted to study literature while Daniel wanted to be a wealthy tycoon.

"My dad will scold me, for sure, for going home late again," Charles replied. His hands were on his waist and his black and his opaque green bag was on his straight and not so bulky back. "I've been going home late for almost three days and I don't want dad to suspect and start questioning me."

Charles smiled softly. Daniel seized his hands, ending for him to fall. Daniel was faster and he geared Charles's body to his direction.

"You're being too clingy again, Daniel." he protested.

"I know that you like it." Daniel winked...and it melted his bones away.

Charles blushed like a teenage girl. He couldn't help himself but giggle at Daniel's handsome picture. "Stop it. You are making me retch." he laughed.

Daniel rolled his eyes. "Sara." he hummed.

"What?" he replied.

"I can't wait for us to graduate soon."

Charles smiled faintly. "Either do I, I can't wait for us to live together."

He heard Daniel heaved a sigh. "2 years wouldn't that be much, would it?"

Charles nodded. He held a tight grip on Daniel's hand. The last's natural robust fragrance was...sexy as ever.

"What if we'll confess to them about us?" Daniel mouthed. "They might understand and accept us, since, we are their kid"

"No, we cannot gamble!" Charles protested. He couldn't afford to see the disappointment in his father's eyes. "It's so risky and we might fail."


"They will cut us off," Charles said faintly. "And I can't stand a day without having you near me."

There was a moment of deafening silence.

"I love you," Charles mumbled.

"I know," Daniel replied. Same emotion. Same energy. "And I love you too." Charles felt Daniel's lips on his forehead.

"Promise me, that you won't leave me," Charles said. His voice was brittle.

"Of course." Daniel enunciated. "You are the best thing that ever happened in my life." Daniel pinched his nose that, that time was reddened.

"I think we should already get off. It's already dark." Charles mouthed.

"One more minute."

"What that one minute can do except for breathing?" Charles raised his brows.

Daniel chuckled. "This."

The world suddenly became blurry and Charles's heart became wilder than ever as he felt his mouth was conquered by Daniel's ardent and deep caress. Charles didn't know what to react but later on, he found himself enthralled by that emotionally evoking zealous kiss.

Charles was no good kisser. He only followed the thrusts and strokes that Daniel's tongue and lips were doing inside his. Charles's whole body suddenly reacted emphatically to his successions.

"That was too much for a minute," Charles commented jokingly. He chuckled as he grasped for his lost air. "You are such a rat!"

"At least we both liked it." Daniel winked. A small smirk plastered on his face.

Charles rolled his eyes. He crossed his arms and stood up. He put his bag on his back and waited for Daniel to follow him.

"Are you mad?" Daniel asked as he stood up and fixed his green camouflaged bag.

"Negative." Charles thriftily replied. He smiled a little.

"But you are acting like you are," he said. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, I'm just confounded that I have you." Charles gave in. The smile on his lips widened and it caught his eyes to blurry. "I didn't expect that this fairytale could be true," he added. He heard Daniel giggled.

"I am here...with you, and will always be your knight and shining armor."

"shall I call myself as your princess?" They both laughed.

Daniel geared him off and they started to walk back to their houses in that silent and dark alley.

"I will always be willing to eat that poisonous apple for you, sweetheart"

Charles didn't return but his heart did. It gnarled inside his chest. He felt thousands of wild animals staggered inside his tummy. He couldn't sense his lower body because his heart subjugated everything under. He couldn't feel his extremities, the bones in it. The world slow-motioned or even stopped and it was only him and Daniel who was allowed to move and enjoy the beauty of the quiet neighborhood.