
Comments of chapter undefined of book of transmigration: fairytale's of silver Star

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In the quiet chamber where tales were spun, An author declared, his work undone, A two-day break, a respite won, Yet six days have passed, the task outrun. A reader waited, under the sun, For the promised return, the work begun. But days slipped by, one by one, And still, no sign of the story's run. In the realm of patience, hope begun, Yet doubts now linger, like shadows spun.Will the author return, his pen to stun,Or has the tale, its course outrun? With bated breath, the reader shun, The disappointment, the tale undone. Yet in the silence, a glimmer, a son, A tale yet to be told, when the break is done.


sorry for not posting i was ill don't worry i update from 19 march extra 2 chapters maybe

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Okay, and Thanks for the chapter