
Comments of chapter undefined of The hivemind is conquering for me?

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so there current route is pure war of extermination when it comes to conquest rather then dominion over those conquered but soon a second queen will show up meaning a second possible route for the swarm to take aka the more diplomatic route of ruling over the conquered a choice im sure a lot would jump into given the alternative when it comes to the swarm aka the true empire route for the swarm to take its also conquering just another kind and one that likely never occurred to the swarm


I understand that reasoning. as a human that would be the best way to do so, but for the hives mindset if its been working for multiple millennia why change? thanks for your suggestion :D

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Thanks for the new chapter

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so course change is something the swarm can do now since it now has something completely outside its original scope of operation aka the one they are all obsessed with and given they are accepting his war tactics for there battles why not expand even further and add a few new castes aka the priest caste(conquest through faith gene cults are already a thing just expanding on this would be a new path), the diplomat caste( for when they would gain more through actual rulership then straight up killing everyone and taking all there stuff) i mean he is human so them adding a new path around him is not all that out of place and assimilating other races into the swarm is also another route would go pretty well with the conquest through proper rule route just cause its been working for thousands of years dosent mean they wont at least try new things if only to test the effectiveness there is no such thing as perfect only better and that one of the main things with the swarm there always trying to be better they just usually try this through biotech

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you know im not sure whether this count as a harem novel or not given the nature of the hivemind functions if it is i recommend adding that tag

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Tftc! Started reading this on a whim and it's one of the novel's I'm enjoying the most currently!


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza