
Comments of chapter undefined of The Genius Hunter Can’t Die!


John is enjoying this too much. I assume it's because of the Cold Heart skill which prevents him from feeling fear. It's a cheap and lazy cop-out that makes it so that you don't have to develop him and show him growing. He should not be having fun. He should be afraid and in despair. Doubting his decisions. Torn between his terror at the pain and suffering he's having to endure and his desire for revenge, repentance and forgiveness. You show his trauma and guilt about what happened, perhaps manifested as a hallucination of the corpse of his sister blaming him for what happened or something like that. Maybe he goes a bit insane from the combination of guilt, unspeakable agony and constant death. His arc would be about dealing with that trauma and hardening himself. Perhaps coming to terms with the role his own weakness and cowardice played in his loved ones deaths and using it to fortify his determination in climbing the tower and enduring inhuman suffering in the process, ultimately transforming from a cowardly guilt ridden victim into a hardened, wise, slightly insane and formidable warrior that even the gods fear.


All in all, John has never been weak, he was someone wallowing in grief and [Cold Heart] took that from him and forced him to find himself, something that he’s still doing. Once he’s set, his flaws will be clear and he’ll grow to suprass them. Thank you so much for reading btw, I read all of the critics and will improve, just don’t expect a cliche path for John


This could have been a good opportunity to explore the incident and John's trauma through the Shadow Saintess's nightmare magic but you wasted it.