
Comments of chapter undefined of Supreme Archer: Taking The Game's Weakest Class To The Top

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this close range archer style has me worried.

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first thing, great story and writing so far. so close range style archer sounds cool on the surface but is totally illogical. example as will be able to block a melee weapon with a bow, that's kinda sad if so. maybe he becomes the greatest player and can dodge/avoid every attack ever, also sounds kinda sad. logical time it would take to draw and aim for a bow, a sword would have already cut him in half. maybe he is that great but that just means every melee player just sucks that much more which is kinda sad. I have lots of questions but was gonna hold off till I see how you wrote it out and hoped it wasn't whack. I like the uniqueness of the story, most mcs in stories use swords or magic so this is a freshness to things.

HomieLv1:What's worrying you? Elaborate :D Welcome to the novel, a new reader!

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Well written and a fun story to read. Finally some hard won skills earned with hard work and respect. This is soo much better than soo many other stories. Also going against the usual way of game play. I am soo very much looking forward to learning how this story develops.

