
Comments of chapter undefined of What Do You Mean I'm The Captain Of A Yandere Mercenary Company?

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Me thinks that the thing inside the crate be alive, very alive and possible a child

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no ai wifu yes this is it it must

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Thanks for the chapter!

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AI cores?

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It kinda feels like the military is artificially creating/smuggling psionic supersoldiers. So either they have some research faciity where they experiment on orphans out of which large numbers end up dead and very few end up psionic( probably amber). Or in certain conditions whatever happened to the first people that allowed them to become psionic is still happening but it is a much rarer phenomenon and releasing this info would put the status of nobles in jeopardy(the money, fame and status comes mostly from the heritage so the sudden aparison of new psionics would transate to 'psionics are not that special and should not be given noble rights, just because of luck'/'any person that awakens psionic powers should be considered a noble regardless of their previous status and should be given considerate money and political power just because'. So instead of killing them, they make good use of them as s shadow order of the military(kinda suicide squad deal). a third posibility would be that they were able to create androids that can replicate the psionic power of a noble and again, what would the point of nobility be if there are machines that can do the same thing.

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There better be an AI waifu there or else I’m rioting

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thanks for the chapter