
Comments of chapter undefined of Terra Nova Online : Rise Of The Strongest Player


The S-Rank Hate Reader has little to add. I could copy-paste my last comment and it would still be relevant. When Leo thinks about how determined he is to get rewards and not run away, that would be a standard MC motivation except... he will literally be killed if he doesn't complete his quest. That line of thinking implies he has a choice and that he has made such a choice. Another thing, why exactly is he spending money to go to the virtual tavern and eat virtual food? I'm not saying this is unreasonable, people do that in MMO's all the time, but Leo (and by extension, readers) don't know enough about the game to expect any particular benefit from doing so. There's also no requirement, at least one that has be explained thus far. If he's so smart, shouldn't he be mulling over risks and opportunities? His life is at stake! There's no room for sub-optimal choices. What if he would be better off saving his money for items or hiring help? Or maybe in-game currency has uses on the colony ship in real life? He's just casually exploring as if there are no stakes and this is a game he chose to play. More Shangri-La Frontier than SAO. I want to like this and it's frustrating to see these inconsistencies.


Great chapter.

