
Comments of chapter undefined of Terra Nova Online : Rise Of The Strongest Player

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I will be reviewing every chapter of TNO until I get my event all-works-fp for reading for five minutes. The stages of grief are a sloppy choice for describing the younger brother's emotional state if no one is dead and he doesn't actually go through the stages in order. And then there's the bit about the surgery. I guess it's nice that we get a technological explanation for instant surgery, but apparently cell phones and roads don't exist because the younger brother has to spend all day looking for his brother and is covered in mud for his troubles. when people say the future is stupid, they mostly mean that their book and their cigarette are competing for space to charge on the wall outlet, not that we will live like medieval peasants in 2152. And then there's the face slap. why does that need to be there? Why is domestic abuse depicted as a normal reaction to someone being sad? mom doesn't intervene to stop the MC, nor does his brother seem to think this is unreasonable. He promptly stops being sad. If it were a parody of a bad historical drama, I could accept this scenario, but it's played straight. Are we supposed to be rooting for this guy?! Still, I should withhold harsh criticism. This is one of the top-rated romance novels on the app. It can't be that bad at depicting emotional struggle. Surely the next chapter will involve a serious confrontation about the harm caused by domestic abuse.

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Wow @Author, how much are you planning to make us cry along the journey ?

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Good chapter

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Thanks for the chapter

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good chapter


Alright I take that back I'm crying rn