
Comments of chapter undefined of The Pugilist Sorcerer


Nahhh bro finna have a random power up when he regain his memory’s

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Thanks for the chapter and as much as I love this story and have basically been a supporter since the beginning I genuinely think (no hate) you shot yourself in the foot with the plotline of hiro losing his memories, it makes it so that all the past 30-40 chapters of amazingly good character development for hiro went down the drain and all the struggles he went through that we've read about feel meaningless and cheap anyways keep up the good work but I don't think I'll continue reading the story, good luck :)

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Good chapter author, I just hope you don't narrate Gojo's fight, just make a summary or do like Gege, who in this chapter is cheering for Gojo and in the next one he is already split in half xd (Kaneki vs Arata Joker type)