
Comments of chapter undefined of An Extra’s POV

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And after some stalking i have found out author have stopped replying in comments and only reply for review look like this young master needs to be humbled

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Imo I don't think they have a choice. Their opinion doesn't matter in the face of absolute power. If he gets inpatient he could either get others to kill them one by one until he gets his answer or he could end up keeping his word but send other dragons to finish the job. I don't think he's merciful but I believe he's to proud to go back on his word and dupe "lower existences" in order to get his answer.

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Thanks for the chapter

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Mass release when?

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Thanks for the chapter

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Things seem to be going downhill exponentially. WARNING This is a personal opinion don't kill me for it. This fight felt wetter than a tissue in the ocean. The hero who has multiple years of experience as a weakling in war and had a second chance with 16 years to plan didn't think that he could bite off more than he could chew endangering his comrades and possibly getting them killed. Now it was said that Adonis is not perfect and j agree no one is ever perfect but usually that leads to cowardice not stupidity. Then the fight went on for a little too long in my personal opinion and I'm guessing that was to cause suspense on what happened to Rey but then his 'death' was mentioned in passing before swiftly moving on to dragon lords like it's sweeping him under a rug like dust. The ramming of a sword up a dragon would probably be the best bet but seriously 'White liquid dripping from every orifice' (Not transcribed word for word) it's a bit much no (even if it was because of Adonis light attribute)? Couldn't have left it at blood or brain matter.-- I'm going to be perfectly honest that i mainly skim read the last few chapters as i personally found them hard to read . (also while I'm venting i didn't like the sexualisation of Trisha when Ray first got his clone or the fact that he basically has a harem at least in terms of he has tonnes of people who have a romantic Interest and they all flock around him like fools. The only reason i ignored it was because the novel is tagged as non-harem so I Know nothing like that will happen but it feels like those chapters were pandering to the readers. Sorry but i really needed to let my gripes out as i really like this novel and i don't want to start disliking it on small things like this so i hope by letting my feelings about it be known hopefully it could help.

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I'd tell him🤷🏾‍♂️ there's no way they about to win might as well give it a shot maybe he'll let them live🥲 I think this is where my man ater is about to appear though🤔 and I hope this experience actually motivates them I really don't have to patience for a long drawn out "let's get our motivation back"arc