
Comments of chapter undefined of HP: Magic Punk

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I think I read this in 15 seconds, and the author still wants stones for more chapters, be a little embarrassed

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man I really hope Orion doesn't forgive Hermy easily.This has to have some consequences for her.

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With the way they were both acting I can assume that they both don't know anything about Alternate universes Or different variations of the timeline. In general Like where Harry can be a boy In one of the timelines. But in another He could be a girl Etc. After all, I doubt the wizarding world in the Harry Potter. World ever taught their students or any other wizard about that cuz they never knew. After all, they practically still live in the medieval times. So it does make sense. love the novel. Keep up the good work author.

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my honest opinion is you should just kill both of them get this over as they are just cannon folder compared to true villain my honest reaction to this development:

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Oh gee. I can't wait to hear why killing children is necessary and why Hermione of all people would be okay with it while shes ignoring the fact that shes essentially been brainwashed into someone else by having another personality inserted into her head... First the MC does nothing for literally months and now this Dog-S. Its the dawn of the infinitely recycled villains. And totally not because MC is a useless simp but because of "reason" that will never be explained since there are no "reasons". He has no issue of reading peoples minds until suddenly when its needed for MC to remain a moron who knows the enemy is master in mind arts and what mind arts can actually do to a person. His "friend" is literally acting like a different person defending someone who tried to kill her friends and was literally using a monster meant to purge muggleborns like herself and the gigabrain MC goes "oh maybe shes having her periods I'm sure its nothing to worry about". The only thing missing is his apology for not simping hard enough...

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he never considered he went to an alternate timeline and can't go back to his timeline ? like since technically he shouldn't also exist there

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thanks for the chapter and hope Orion and Hermione never interact again....i mean they are better as total strangers

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This chapter was hella short honestly u should make them longer like u can update very other day or every two days if u need to make them longer but yes plz make them longer p.s. loving the story so far

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I for one like hearing the stories of side characters, I just hope Orion doesn't get any new knowledge or anything, during the time we don't hear about him... I hate reading stories with time skip that doesnt explain anything "Ha Ha, you tried to kill me, but not to worry because I have aquired the golden nugget that can heal all injuries! you wanna know where I got it? too bad I'm not gonna waste my breath on cannon fodder" and then proceeds to never explain how he got the golden nugget.

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Thanks for the chapter!!!!

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The story has picked up pace

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Gracias por el capítulo; primero es muy controversial porque habla sobre personas que no deben existir pero el es uno de esos; segundo no entiendo que le pasaría por el corazón con el tema de recuerdos que recalcó, no son de ella si no de otra, para siempre ser tan recta y poniendo lógica a todo e inteligente me suena que tuvo un momento de idiotez cuando estaba pidiendo explicaciones; además puedo oler desde kilómetros que probablemente hizo un trato con la bruja llamada muerte para regresar, ya que encaja en el sentido que tenga una varita de sauco porque no sería la de esa dimensión, si no es de dónde vino

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I hope she nails him in the balls he deserves it

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