
Comments of chapter undefined of I Fabricated the Techniques, but my disciple really mastered them?


havesome comments


I totally think cultivating by proxy is his cheat! And his words become true (as far as creating cultivation methods)


Another step outside the realm of fantasy for some real life facts. Bone remodelling happens over a minimum of 8 months. Bone strengthens and shapes itself according to the frequent stresses and strains put on it. For example, for people aiming to improve their bone density and strength, they need to keep up High Intensity Resistance and Impact Training at least twice a week (30-45mins a session) at least 2-3 times a week (and no more than that or the excessive strain on the body can put you at risk of stress fractures, fatigue and related strain injuries). They have to keep up regular for at least 8 months (preferably 12 months as some people have slower bone remodelling processes) for there to be a measurable change in bone quality and density. And that is also best if you maintain a regular healthy diet with lots of calcium and Vit D to help with the changes in the bone. Complete bone turnover though, only happens every 2 years in young people and longer in older people 5-10 years, depending on how close or past menopause/andropause you are. Bone turnover is about how long it takes for all the old bone cells to be replaced with new ones. In this story, for the bone to be refined, we are looking at complete replacement of all old (weaker) bone with newer refined bone. So we would be looking at bone turnover rather than bone remodelling since the guy is mostly just staying in horse stance to cultivate which would be pretty much useless for functional bone remodelling. However this bone refinement is happening at crazy speeds, meaning his hormones would have to be going crazy (keep in mind, folks, that it is the female hormones - mostly oestrogen, that drives changes in bone). So for bone refinement to be happening, he'd need to be pumped full of high levels of oestrogen which causes other body system problems along the way (anyone who knows a lady going through menopause or who is getting hormone replacement therapy would have a better understanding). Not to mention all the other processes and systems involved in bone and bone replacement. In short, the poor guy would have to be feeling extremely sick to be going through this bone refining process. Especially since the bone refining process occurs so quickly. Anything for good and lasting changes in bone should happen over a period of months and years, so even after the refining, the poor guy still won't have as good results as if he wasn't also doing high intensity resistance and impact training as well. That is, if he wasn't merely sticking to horse stance to cultivate but cultivated at the same time as exercise training, he ought to have much improved results by the end of the year. And we wouldn't have to worry about his ligaments, tendons, muscles and other connective tissue being unable to keep up with the changes in his bones.


Thanks for the chapter!


Sometimes faith is all that you need to achieve everything with hard work , dedication and effort .


Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️


It’s would be pretty cool if they’re sharing cultivation 🤯🤯


Just wondering how many chickens he has.