
Comments of chapter undefined of Spiderman Life Simulation

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Con respecto a la simulación, los eventos principales detallados, los secundarios escribirlos como un resumen y los terciarios cuento los cono un resumen al final de un período. Ejemplos de eventos Principales: la descripción de una lucha contra el duende verdad o los eventos de una saga como guerra civil. Ejemplo de eventos secundarios: [durante varios dias desarrollando....] o [mientras te escondidas buscabas información para ...] Ejemplo de eventos terciarios: [Durante el mes conseguiste desmantelar varias bandas y evitar un cientos de robos] No me importa si no lo usa a pie de la letra pero espero que lo tengas en cuenta para tu escritura. Gracias por leer.

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Y ten una piedra de poder

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just make sure you put some dirt in their eyes

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The story is going great mate but i hope he won't be overbearingly good boy like original peter of the marvel universe.


author pov:


good start to the story dude, I hope his character isn't like old Peter who is kind and doesn't kill his enemies, well maybe Miguel O'Hara is better, if you watch it then you know what I mean, and yeah I hope MC doesn't use philosophy like uncle's silly words ben "great power great responsibility" or something like that yeah i don't care it's boring, hope the MC isn't too good, and yh good idea simulation i guess hope you can make the story as interesting as possible