
Comments of chapter undefined of The Reborn Wife Of The Tyrant CEO

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Eliana should move om and never have a contact with Damon anymore. There are still plenty of decent guys around if she will open her heart to them.

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I really feel sad for Eliana. Why is always her whos getting hurt. i hope she living for good. Damon is really jerk and i hope he regret it and is to late for him. That child is a big stone for them to be together again and Catherine is just like Ariel a cunning woman.

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I think Damon has a very low EQ or he just doesn't care, Starling Estate was the house gifted to them when they married but he never respected that like when he got Ariel and her parents there, Ariel took the master bedroom, she tried Eliana's beauty's products her jewellery and she even put Eliana's nuisette, but when Eliana got mad seing that Damon sided with Ariel, the woman who killed his baby. Catherine is more cunning than Ariel, I'm worry that what she gave Eliana won't treat her infertility but will make her conditions worse. Author, if Damon is the ML please , make him suffer really a lot and beg Eliana for at least 5 years till he got a tiny chance to woo her. I hate Damon but I don't want him to end up with Catherine, she's evil . Question : did Damon secretly help Nancy get free without punishment for Catherine'sake cause if he did it's unforgivable.

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i hope this gets an update soon. can't wait!!


damon has so many properties why did he move Catherine over to starlight estates? that's just upsetting. does it mean nothing to him that's why anyone can come as they please. what is snows angle? vengeance? she already got damon why does she need to bother with Elianna anymore? where is Karen in all this. She couldn't possibly be innocent. and doesn't nancy have a husband that's not Ethan. I would have divorced Nancy for all the trouble she created. I don't believe that the people supporting Ethan would remain quiet. they must be plotting a return . and what's nicks issue. I'm trying to figure out all the moves of these antagonists. moves and counter moves. evil never truly dies.