
Comments of chapter undefined of The Gaming Uchiha


Was hoping she would be the only reincarnated person.


There's only 2. I would have added 3 more later on not belonging in Konoha. And it is more realistic if you actually care to think about it more. As you said the probability is almost Zero but there's various other factors that aren't being taken into account. One of those is, how many people get reincarnated? This factor is the most important and it can be used to get a more accurate probability. The other factor is, how many forms of our own planet exist? In chapter 1 or the Prologue I briefly made note of how our world was a world creator. And due to that fact there would more than likely be more than one form of it. So let us look at an example here. 1 person out of every 1000 people who die a day get's reincarnated since there are 166,859 deaths in our world per day that would lead to around 166 or 167 people a day being reincarnated. And then you factor in other worlds to that. Whilst this doesn't completely refute your words it does shed light on it.

Reiya9:I never said it can’t happen. But there are infinite universe mixed with infinite timelines. The probability is almost zero. Yet here you have 2 other. You said it’s more realistic but that’s obviously a lie just to fulfil the plot you’re goimg for. Which is just bad as having multiple reincarnated people just ruins the story most of the time

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You’re right author, it’s always weird when someone gets reincarnated but are somehow the only one ever, it only ever really makes sense when the person gets sent to save the world or something.

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not good this rebonr, but ok
