
Comments of chapter undefined of Walker of the Three Paths: Journey to Godhood


Honestly, I was a bit disappointed, I expected it to be unique, that it would be the only one in the entire universe to awaken the paths of the spirit, soul and body... But oh well. At least I hope that he will have some power thanks to which he will be able to gain other skills, super powers related to spirit, soul and body. Regards and I continue reading, maybe I was wrong.


Hi Kepstyy!Please don't be disappointed.Damien is one of the extremely rare cases of people who awoke in all three paths and he's definitely not the only one on earth.But here's the catch. His powers, especially the mysterious one related to the soul is what is going to make him extremely overpowered.I don't want to give a spoiler but I can confirm that Damien would be able to gain many more powers than the ones he has currently but that's in the future!Thanks so much for your comment.love,Author.