
Comments of chapter undefined of The Ex-husband Wants to Get Power Every Day After the Divorce


Please release more chapters. Patiently waiting. Thank you and loving your novel. Just wish to read more soon, since the chapters stopped releasing for awhile now.


After seeing his sister to be strangled by a man whose brother stands sideways and just looks at the scene if my brother was like this I would have disowned him. Nicholas U r definitely not a good brother


With 35 chapters left in this series to end with no new releases upcoming to finish it is a bummer. Only option to see them is to buy them which is 50.00 worth of coin is highway robbery. Sad to see a good book end like this


is this the end of this book?


I have to say.. this novel.. is very good.. I really enjoy reading it.. and had look forward on reading it further .. due to certain circumstances.. I will be deleting and closing my account .. If there is another chance, I hope to be able to continue reading your novels elsewhere .. if not.. I wish you the best of luck and many great successes.. you are an amazing author .. keep it up. hope one day it will be made into a drama 🎭 of some sort.. rather it’s short or a ong drama. It would be a joy to see..