
Comments of chapter undefined of A Villain's Way of Taming Heroines

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It really feels as if Ravenna is being set up for a great tragedy. Over the past month I've been trying to figure out what Ansel's end game is for Ravenna and with the introduction of her persona as Helen, I feel like I've gotten a hint of what's to come. I'm guessing that the plan is to break down and essentially destroy Ravenna's current persona by tearing apart her ideals (or something similar) after nurturing her persona as Helen to the point where it can become her new identity. The ways things have been going, it feels as if we're approaching the climax of Ravenna's arc and I can't wait to see if my guess is close or not. And as always, thank you for the chapters! :D


Hmmm, I suppose the trauma of that could certainly explain the memory loss. You might be on to something there.

solracmar:I don't think it is just that. my new theory is that Ravenna killed her on grandfather directly or indirectly. she probably asked ansel to do something similar to this game while her grandfather was alive and, in consequence, the fought, her grandfather died and all we see.

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Thanks for the chapter 😊

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thanks for the chapter and cliffhanger that I can't avoid ....