
Comments of chapter undefined of A Villain's Way of Taming Heroines

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This novel is great

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Indeead, indeed

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wow this was simply an amazing chapter 👏👏 Correct me if I am wrong in interpretation of Ravenna's feelings that she wouldn't have condemned Ansel if he had made Ravenna watch this scene out of revenge for 'betrayal' and show of how they can't be close as friends as in past unlike with Seri in present but that Ansel would go as far as to make her see this despite loving Seraphina wholeheartedly. In short his emotions have twisted enough to make use of such private scene to unsettle Ravenna and what hurts her most is that being a woman of action, even though her heart wants to do things for him and she would do it regardless of his opinion of her being unwanted but her own mind and principles dictate her actions as pointless too but she still can't abandon him. Is this her dilemma ? Also I couldn't grasp what did Ravenna understand about Ansel which even his mother couldn't ? đŸ€”đŸ˜”

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thanks for the chapter.