
Comments of chapter undefined of A Villain's Way of Taming Heroines

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Oh? Now this is intriguing. I can't tell whether Ansel is acting for Ravenna's sake or if he's genuinely put off by whatever is behind that door. I have to say, the complexity/depth of this story has certainly increased a bit since Seraphina's introductory arc and I can't fathom how you manage to keep coming up with new "twists" to pique my interest. Thanks again for all your effort. I genuinely appreciate it.

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Another intriguing chapter though I wonder if we would ever get an answer anytime soon? 😔 Since you have been quite tight lipped about Ansel's past and oddity of his deliberate distance from his parents 🤔😔 Thanks for another intriguing chapter dear author 😊


thanks for the chapter