
Comments of chapter undefined of Multiverse Stories (Multicross: DC, DXD, Marvel, ETC,)

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Amazo Stage 1

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Amazo from the 2000s jl show is way better this one is just a tincan!

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Amazo Stage 2

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This one needs to continue as an actual fic its super interesting

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Essence of the Machine By taking this Essence, the line between man and machine is wiped away. After all, organics ARE machines. Just messier. * You become aware of every function in your body and state of health, while gaining independence from them. IE, you no longer need your brain to think. * You can detect, broadcast and receive any sort of signal, along any frequency. * You can control any mechanical or electronic device. * You can partition your mind to focus on multiple threads of thought, with no limit on the number. In addition, your thoughts can accelerate ad infinitum. * You can duplicate or transfer your mind into any device. * Your body produces a constant supply of nanomachines, which can augment your body in any way and repair/reinforce/upgrade any object. * At will, you can transform any part of your body into machinery and back again. * Any technology you imagine can be created by you and your nanomachines, even if it should not logically make sense or be possible.

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Essence of Eternity By consuming this Essence you embrace living a truly eternal existence. * At the time you drink this Essence you will be cured of any and all physical ailments, pre-existing conditions, psychological trauma, and other unwanted mental conditions, ailments, disabilities, etc. Your body will be reset to be strong, healthy, and athletic with zero genetic defects or pre-existing conditions. Your age will also be reset to the prime of life, unless you were already younger. * You will cease aging once you reach the prime of life, and you will live forever. Your health and fitness will always be maintained as if you were practicing clean and healthy living and receiving comprehensive modern medical care throughout, even if you are not. You will always eventually recover 100% and without impairment from any injury, even if you normally would not. * Your mind and soul are also fully adapted to an eternal existence. Your memory will be able to index and process any number of eons of stored experiences as easily as it already could have done so for your original mortal lifetime. You are wholly immune to any ennui, boredom, despair, etc., that might be caused by your extended lifespan. You will remain as able to relate to and empathize with those around you as much as you always could, and in general will not be changed, embittered, or otherwise subjected to unwanted value drift by your eternal existence… except possibly for the better. * You have impenetrable plot armor versus death, death of personality, psychological destruction, and other really bad things. Narrative causality will always twist just enough to ensure that nothing can permanently remove you from the action economy against your will. Even things like banishment to a nether-realm, entombment, etc., will eventually fail and let you find a way out. Even if the very planet you live on should be destroyed or the universe itself eventually succumb to final entropy, you will have opportunities to escape to another place beforehand. * Optional: You may share this Essence with those you truly, deeply, and intimately care for. No cheesing, the ineffable powers behind the Essence Meta will know if you really mean it or not. You may not do take-backs once you have shared it, so be careful who you choose. * When you are finally ready to stop living and move on to what comes next, you will. This will only happen if you wish to do so while entirely in your right mind and with the utmost sincerity.

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Fortress of solitude

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Are you gonna write a second chapter for any of these Fics?

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Justice League

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You should try essence of the library of heavens path in Atg

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Thanks for the chapter.

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This is the one.

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Thanks for this one.Please continue it soon along with the Superboy one. Idea for this one ,go to Metropolis and Coast city for motherbox and green lantern technology, respectively.

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Essa ideia precisa de fic separada

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Excelente capitulo muchas gracias 👍👌