
Comments of chapter undefined of One Piece : Earning One Trillion Berries Before Retiring

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Kinda like the idee of the mc greed being misunderstood as a function off his mythical zoan fruit xD red dragons being the greediest xf heck could even belive he gets stronger the bigger his hoard gets ( explanation for where his money goes.. they beliving he has pocket dimension or something for his hoard xD )

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I think I'm completely missing something, what is this buy out thing that keeps coming up? He's already bought and used it... Unless the 3 mil is for the usage of the things he's bought? I thought that was the cost to keep the system running but it seems that's not the case.... Is he essentially buying the right to rent them? Like if he doesn't pay the 3 mil he will lose everything? Isn't it way too expensive? I mean he has already used well over the combined cost of the all Yonko bounties and seems to not actually have bought anything, just the right to rent his fruit and his internal youth restoration and not even the full power of his fruit as it's been locked behind another paywall. Honestly might as well have just gone after the Batto Batto no mi: model Vampire, gets a mythical Zoan, increases his strength, gets some new abilities including flight and teleportation, restores his youth and as long as he drains the life of some scum has eternal youth... Not to mention that the richest person, although non canon, was Tesoro who only had 500 billion... I figured the costs before were very expensive but somewhat reasonable but this buy out thing seems a more than a little excessive... Sorry I'm ranting but after years of paid DLC, in game purchases and Gacha things like this really annoy me. Anyway apart from that one thing I am enjoying the story and want to see how this progresses.

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thxxxx moreee