
Comments of chapter undefined of Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto

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I have few suggestions and questions. First of all, will you be using filler episode content for buffing MC? Like stone of Gelel, Chakra Absorbing Armor etc. I think you will use movie content but you will have to properly readjust timeline. Secondly, I have some suggestions for buffing MC-kun. Sage Mode is a given but he both needs a large chakra pool and a strong body so I'm guessing you will awaken his latent Uzumaki genes. Make him a Slug Sage (which is Hashirama's Sage Mode imo) if you can since I think his love interest will be Tsunade. But this shouldn't be his only buff considering the monsters like Akatsuki, Madara and Kaguya he will be facing in the future. I suggest giving him an opportunity to make an Artifical Tailed Beast by using his KG as slate. You could use Dragon Veins, Mōryō or any other large chakra pool as a battery to make up the Artificial Bijuu. Though, Dragon Veins probably contain enough chakra to rival Ten Tails. For some reason I feel like you give the Cursed Seal of Heaven to MC-kun as an early buff. Don't know how I feel about it but I have faith in you. you can use the CSOH as a way for him to adjust to the Sage Chakra as well. Thirdly, since he will be able to use his summons' ability why not give him the ability to use his shadows directly. Wear it like an armor similar to Shadow Monarch or something. Might seem like an overkill but it would eliminate his weakness of CQC since that's usually the bain of all Shikigami users. You might use this power to help him battle Mahoraga as well.Finally, lets talk about his romantic interest aka his future wife. Tsunade is the best choice not only because she is freaking hot but her being the princess of the Senju Clan would shut up all the Nara Elders since they want MC-kun to marry someone from the clan in order contain his loyalty and KG in the (Sister) Clan. I'm really curious about how will 13 year old MC-kun rizz up Tsunade because I don't see him going after girls his age. Since Sakura won't probably be tutoring under Tsunade, may I suggest Hinata as an alternative?

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it might be the worst comment i read in my life

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Really looking forward to what the Tiger's gimmick is.

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if team 7 doesn't get the bridge mission does that mean zabuza will have to deal with might guy💀

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I like that you didn't strictly used the combinations that only appeared in canon JJK, it adds originality and versatility to the story, we didn't get that much fusions in canon( Nue+Toad and Agito) so I give you props for that! Thanks for your hard work! And eager to see what you do in the Wave arc.

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Will he start learning other types jutsu and Nina arts or he just gonna focus on his shadows? I feel like they would help him more when dealing with the stronger shadows as well as not have him to dependent on them. I feel like that was why people saw meg as an underwhelming opponent compared to other as once they got through the shadows they had an easier time

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Can’t wait for him to get the deer, that makes every fusion beast very hard to kill since they can just regenerate. But I feel like that’s when he’s like solid kage level.

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Another thing i noticed about the use of the 10S when in sukunas hand is that he can kind of used something like the pressure and water of max elephant to fire a "Piercing blood" arrow but instead of blood he uses the water of max elephant, i think that would be useful for Akira.

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Yo author a favor do u mind giving a decription of what each new look of each leveled shikigami looks like or at the very lewst what new ability they gain for each level?

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can the mc awaken the 11th shadow gege akutami in the future

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Well, I think you got it with Mahoraga, in the world of Naruto few people can defeat Mahoraga. He at least needs to become as strong as a kage in order to survive. Well, that makes it more interesting how you solve this problem)))

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Una cosa autor la invocación de ciervo no solo es capas de curar gracias ala energía positiva o inversa si no que también puede asorber energía maldita aún que no se si solo de los arededores o de otras personas esto no se puede aplicar también pero con el chakra o solo va hacer para curar y no no me refiero que el ciervo pueda dar chakra al prota lla que seri directamente roto para el

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Can round deer heal the side effects of the eight gate in the future?

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will he be able to use the shadow ability without summoning them like sukuna, and when he tames mahoraga, can he use his wheel to adapt his body against attacks

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Great chapter

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What a nice christmas , thank you gift[img=recommend]

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Domain expansion or not?

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I’ve seen water in the desert…

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Thanks for the chapter

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Good chapter, but you complicate or expose the abilities too much, a brief summary would be better

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guys,how about mc learn black flash he might increase his chara. and also other justu or summons and sage mode.and I thick our mc don't get that much power up.