
Comments of chapter undefined of Hades in the Multiverse


Since Hades is a god of boundaries he can create different zones for sinners to torture them. For example if someone was a murderer in life have a biome with sea of blood and islands of bone where murders are placed to fight each other for eternity. If they are killed they are reformed painfully from the sea of blood which is as hot as lava and they have to swim to find an Island of bone.

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A library that store the knowledge of every dead thing, a pool that spawn creature


What Hades has over the other gods? Knowledge of different worlds, anime and movies... Use themU can have some zombies from resident evil or other horror creatures, the dxd underworld with Hades castel as the capital, some non torture zones just go all outSomething like the pic

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portals for powerful mages to get resources from the underworld with the disadvantage that if they stay too long they become undead.


Hades can make the titan Atlas into shadow or just force him and have him walk thru the underworld with a fake sun on his back, acting as a day/night cycle


Because hades has the boundary manipulation could u make it so that its an underworld of every world he goes into and that its separated in sectors like for jjk there is one sector and for solo leveling there is another


Author let the main character create the demons Nurgle and Slaanesh from Warhammer 40,000 or fantasy and also dark Eldar | Drukhari who will use the torture meads from Warhammer 40,000


How about Biomes like Toriko's to screw with Demeter, a starry sky like the one on 1 of Ainz's dungeon floors where he killed the adventurers who invaded Nazarik to bother Zeus and Hera, seas with flora and fauna from the world of a only piece to bother Poseidon . Regarding Hestia, I have no idea unless she goes to some world and adopts people she calls her little brothers and sisters, with 1 or a few being the ones she spoils the most to make her jealous.


Hey Author, I wanted to ask if he will ever go to the Danmachi verse in order to copy the Power of Falna for the people in his kingdom or simply for those who earn his favor???


flying island

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I think a river of souls would be cool

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If the biome is dark, use AVATAR-style luminescent plants. tests and rewards for mortals who dare to enter, elixirs or something like that.


Crea una raza que los sirva como los del juego diablo, no recuerdo el nombre de la raza solo se que son combinaciones de angeles y demonios y están mamados. Crea un cielo estrellado y puedes poner plantas que brillen en la oscuridad como en Avatar lo mismo con el agua, también divide el inframundo en zonas dependiendo del pecado.


in the novel reverend insanity, there is the blessed land is a very good reference


Algo como dimensiones de bolsillo con diferentes planos como kaguya de naruto peto amplificado no se tu ves pero cabe resaltar que tu historia es increíble


Look at the story by v28 for inspiration -Minecraft as a god


create a reverse olympus mount, where it starts from the ceiling of the underword as if it were a stalactite. It'll be like Hades is moking his family


He should go to saint seya for the armor(can give to believers, beyblade) and cosmos and is other self etc He can make a hub were people can decide what they will get for their next life like improve skeleton, being born rich, have magic, have the experience of handling sword, part of the past life memory and etc depending on their action, point, contribution like reincarnation hub. Is throne should function like the golden throne, skull throne, boost and etc He can create is own gost rider À lake that take soul of animals and reincarnat them into monster, underworld creature, or connect them to the human they deserve, a galaxy that will serve as a multipurpose ability like increasing computing power, increase power, authority of the galaxy and etc, judge that will determine the talent of a person and putting them into a group like weapon creation, technology and research. A space were people can battle, fight, revive and kill each other for eternity but they can still go out or go in, domain is expention, Make biome based on Toriko


I would say that you create three main bases or domains in the underworld, one dominated by darkness related stuff and one dominated by the light side of things like good souls or the kind and friendly version of death and one as the capital that rules the underworld...


À lake that take soul of animals and reincarnat them into monster, underworld creature, or connect them to the human they deserve, a galaxy that will serve as a multipurpose ability like increasing computing power, increase power, authority of the galaxy and etc, judge that will determine the talent of a person and putting them into a group like weapon creation, technology and research. A space were people can battle, fight, revive and kill each other for eternity but they can still go out or go in, domain is expention,