
Comments of chapter undefined of Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground


Rip dell


I feel like this scenario is a bit excessive and it’s making me lose interest in the story. At any time one single person can force weaklings from other forces into this same exact situation at scale. What’s stopping Atticus from doing this to literally every single person he finds from now on? Dont tell me some BS like morals is stopping him now that he’s found out about this loophole. He has zero morales and qualms about hurting others to get to the top. I feel like this situation is just so stupid and will spiral out of control in any logical situation now that “pandora’s box” has been opened with these stupid as fk contracts. Why is there absolutely zero protection from people being forced into contracts by the academy? They’re watching 24/7. The whole point of this academy is also to try and make human race stronger as well against other races. How do you protect and allow the weaker few with potential to have a safe environment if literally any person from the later years can assault the first years with one sided contracts they’re forced into. The absolute stupidity of this situation is baffling to me. I mean, imagine if Atticus gets forced into a contract because Aurora gets assaulted and r@ped and whatnot? There should be protections and the author is so fking stupid for this. It doesn’t take more than 2 brain cells to see how much this can spiral out of control. What the fk are you doing with this story dude? The contracts are now nuclear weapons that anyone can use against others now.

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Tbh, the forcing bit is a it excessive. Just a bitThe leaders could order their stronger subordinates to attack and force others to sign similar contracts.Regardless of tier, the members of the academy are here for the betterment of the human race.Although, regardless of the contracts, the stronger members would bully the weaker onesAnd... There could be other reasons asides bullying that could make one force a contract.Had atticus had bis back against a wall, he'd definitely do something similar knowing his personality I'm just neutral about this decision of the author.Since the academy clearly is trying to prepare them for the real world , it's safe to believe that there are tools that would force others to do the bidding of others...Now, what would atticus, as a leader do?


Wow this contracts are a nice way to train the lightning element for free.


I was not expecting dell thanks you for the chapter


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


Honestly not expecting Dell the coward to be the culprit


The academy is about to match him up against Dell and have the loser lose all their points to the other person


Nice chapter


the last two chapters could have been finished as a single


Why dont he just give his points to Aurora for safekeeping and ask herhwhen he needs them or give the points to Aurora and ask the 100 youths to kill themselves n ask the points back. Repeat everyday


Who is Dell again?