
Comments of chapter undefined of One Piece: Emperor of the Seas


Sigh as I said having a fleet especially this early just complicates things especially someone as useless as Kuro. Yes I can understand that you can make them strong but still what's the point? they will never become strong enough to be relevant, will they? unless you use the mighty power of plot armor. This is just a comment or my opinion, not a hater here. just genuinely confused about this plot point. By the way does anyone play One Piece Treasure Cruise?

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Still he's basically recruiting scum of East blue, that's lowest of the low. There's a limit how 'canon fodder' your cannon fodder can be. Besides he cant be everywhere to keep check on them these are raiders and pillagers and they'll be using his name to do it.

Ehnvy:Exactly. Just look at the Four Emperors. "Cannon fodder" are very important, too. The Four Emperors have a lot of them in their fleet. What, you want the main crew to waste time and energy dealing with something thay should've just been dealt with by an army of their own?

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Thanks for the chapter and more


Firstly, didn't Hepha want to visit Zoros island? Why did they just forget that? Why the rush to go to the grand line? Explore, train, have fun, there is no reason to rush at all. And honestly, revealing his name before he is as strong as an admiral is foolish, he would be hunted down and killed relatively quickly. Also the marines would never allow pirates to control loguetown, it's a major marine base used to cull pirates. Another thing is what is to stop the fishman pirates hunting down his fleet? They are kinda pirate rulers of the East blue, plus nami is too talented to ignore.


Man Kuro is dumb than Jango.