
Chapter 1

You know, I have a very funny story. One night I was playing a retro game called the Suikoden series, and while I was playing it all night, I saw a bright light coming from outside of my house. When I looked out the window, I saw a massive truck appear from the air before crashing into my room.

That is how I died—crushed by a truck filled with sand that came from the sky. I don't know what kind of god is out there, but it was a hilarious joke; if not, you are the one crushed by the truck.

Unfortunately, I'm the one that gets crushed by that fucking truck. It hurt. It hurt like hell. Lucky for me, it only lasts for a minute before I lose all the blood inside my body.

BUT, my torture is not yet over. I get reincarnated into another world. You might say that reincarnation is a great thing, just like any Isekai novel but not when you get reincarnated into this world.

What kind of world do I reincarnate into, you might ask. I get reincarnated into the Game of Thrones world. The world where even the most honourable person will kill a baby if he needs to. This world is filled with slavery, rape and murder.

Yeah. I'm reincarnated into a world where murder is so common that people are already used to seeing a corpse.

If you can see past that, I have another bad news for you. This world did not have any modern plumbing. Yeah, that's right. This world did not have a bidet that you could use. This world is still stuck in the mediaeval age.

However, lucky for me, whoever decided to place me in this world felt bad about me and decided to give me a little bit of power.

They decided to give me the power Rune from the Suikoden series.

What Rune, you might ask. Runes are used to summon various magical spells in the Suikoden series. Some runes are common such as fire and water runes. Other runes are very rare and can only be found on one character per game, such as Wrath Rune or Charm Rune.

Now you might ask, what kind of Rune do I get? It must be a very powerful Rune, no? Wrong! I get a passive rune. I get something called Killer Rune and Warrior Rune. Killer Rune is the Rune that lets the player increase their critical chance in the game.

In here? It lets me see my enemy's weak point. It did not help me get close or control my body to move on its own to attack the weak point. It only shows me where to hit for the maximum damage.

The next one is the Warrior Rune. This Rune lets me learn how to fight with melee weapons or hand-to-hand combat at high speed. Not only that, but this Rune also lets me train my physical strength at a fast pace. This is the Rune that I think is really good for me at the moment.

HOWEVER! If you sent me to a world that has magic in it, at least give me some magic!

Even the most basic Fire Rune will do.

I want to throw a fireball at my enemy, but I get a fighter package instead. Well, I guess I cannot complain. At least I get something to defend myself with.

"Now if only you give me a weapon. Damn it. Haaaaa. First thing first, where am I?"

I look around, and there is nothing but a tree as far as my eyes can see. Damn it. Where the hell am I? Whoever sent me here only gives me information about which world I get into. They did not tell me where I am, whose body I take over or even which year I get transported into.

Dammit. The first thing I need to do is to search for shelter. I can search for civilization after I get somewhere to return to and sleep for the night. I never did bushcraft, but I like to watch videos of bushcrafting.

Sadly, I get the hard starting point. I did not have any equipment. I only have my bare hand and my Rune, which are only useful for fighting. Urgh. I need to search for some stone I can sleep under or maybe a cave? Hmmm.

"For now, I need to get moving. I need to find somewhere to sleep before the sun sets ."

~Five hours later~

I don't know how long it will take for me to create a shelter, but I finally have a shelter for the night. It was not great, but I am proud of making it. I found a stone formation where I could stay underneath it.

I did not make a roof any longer as the stone prevented any water from getting into my bed. I still put in a little bit of moss in between the rock just in case water can get through. As for my bed, I take some grass around the forest and some tree branches before combining them together to create a nature bed.

I also manage to create fire somehow. Using dried grass and

It is uncomfortable, but at least I have a bed.

Now, the only thing I need to do is to secure water and food. I pass a river on the way here, which means the water is good. Now, food. I could try fishing, but I don't have anything that I can use to fish.

Vegetarian option, I guess. I also passed some berry bushes not too far away from my home. Yeah, let's go pick them up for now, and after that, I can try to catch some fish.

~Thirty minutes later~

After picking all the berries I can take, I slowly walk back to my temporary home. While walking through the forest, I hear something coming from my right. I quickly hide inside a large bush not too far away from me and wait.

I can see a group of people running toward my location, and behind them is another group of people, but they are riding a horse. Most of them are holding a bow and arrow while the other is holding what looks like a scimitar.

I can see the horse rider killing the people who are running on foot, but I notice that they did not kill the women. It only lasts for a few seconds before all the men get killed; their heads get beheaded and tied to their horses.

I hold myself not to puke and scream from all the blood and gore. I widen my eyes, even more, when I see the horse rider tear apart the woman's clothes and grin from ear to ear. I can hear them shouting something, but I know the general meaning of what they are saying.

They just get themselves another slave that they can enjoy and sell. I know who those horse riders are. They are the Mongol horde copy, Dothraki. They are the horde that terrorizes half of Essos. At least I know where I'm now; I'm in Essos.

I wait inside the bush for a few more minutes until I'm sure that the Dothraki will disappear from my view. I continue to wait for another minute just to make sure before I get out of the bush.

I walk toward the corpses and take the sword lying on the ground.

"I'm sorry for doing this but I need this more than you."

I did not bother checking other things as I already saw that the Dothraki were taking all the valuables. The only thing they leave behind is the weapon they carry.

"I will not promise I will avenge you but I will thank you for your sword. I will use it to the fullest."


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