
Comments of chapter undefined of I'll Surpass The MC


Bragara:I can make tresord and I am a tresord myself. Inala:


Thank you Anvelope Ji for this Chapter. This is the best Chapter till now for this Volume. I think I understand why this Volume is named Wean Tribe Supremacy. Wean Tribe would be facing the other tribes and would be dominating them due to Boar King, Yarsha and Inala. Inala because he won't be interfering them much due to this plan. Inala is using a long term method and I am loving the idea too much. When the Wean tribe grows complacent, Quib tribe would show them their respectful place. And this place is heaven for Inala. Abundant resource, No predator, No Boar King (He won't be able to reach here easily. Even if he does, finding Inala and facing an Improved Inala would take decades and would be tough too. Go, Go Inala. Surpass everyone In Sumudra Continent.

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I think this is how treasure could be made ? Step 1: - Silver Grade: Begin by condensing a body to the Silver grade of the Royal Zinger. Kill the body. - Gold Grade: Repeat step 1, but condense a body to the Gold grade of the Royal Zinger before killing it. - Mystic Grade: Finally, condense a body to the Mystic grade of the Royal Zinger and kill it. This process results in three deceased bodies, each representing a different Royal Zinger grade. Step 2: - Base Material: Utilize Sumatra Gold as the foundation. - Fusion: Employ Perfect Biome Domination to fuse the three deceased bodies, the Sumatra Gold, and a substantial amount of nectar. The result is a single deceased body that simultaneously embodies all three Royal Zinger grades. The nectar and Sumatra Gold act as stabilizers, preventing the fusion from collapsing. Step 3: - Bolt of Transcendence: Hit the fused body with a massive amount of Bolt of Transcendence, enough to transform it from a corpse into a treasure. - Sanctuary Influence: Consider replicating Brangra's actions by performing this process within the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary's influence could potentially be carried by the Bolt of Transcendence and integrated into the body during the transformation. This final step yields a treasure that embodies all three grades simultaneously. The nectar and Sumatra Gold maintained its stability, while the Bolts of Transcendence elevate has elevated it to its peak potential. If three bodies per grade prove insufficient, repeat Step 1 using multiple deceased bodies for each Royal Zinger grade. The result would be a treasure to stabilize the effect when he changes grades. Later on he could somehow fuse the treasure body into himself at genetic level like he did with the attribute. So every new body he condense will have it in them. I say turn it into a organic treasure which he consumes and then drinks the nector, then using Sumatra gold and some some of the BOT to assimilate it into his body at the genetic level.


I feel like Inala is discovering body cultivation.

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thank you for the chapters Anvelope


Would it be cheaper to just create Sumatra Gold in a biome bomb than to constantly overfill his spirit containers?