
Comments of chapter undefined of I'll Surpass The MC


if inala use invasive tactic like spread the zingers from other continents with different Representative and create a skill or way to resurrection as contingency and also create a way to send slips from 150 Kilometers


imagine how much information with different usage of prana not only focusing on the mind but the body and soul or all inala could become the absolute


I know Inala doesn't have the time & resources right now, but just like he has plans to turn Ganala, Asayea & Wittral into the zinger race equivalent. Perhaps in the future he should gaslight many of the other races with high potential into joining the Quip clan & becoming a zinger race equivalent. It will open up a vast array of possibilities for the Zinger clansmen to take when they evolve.


I just thought of something, so as a characteristic of the royal zinger, it can only be inala right? what if instead of building body's like a free human, he makes a technique to where the Royal zRngers birthed by the quip tribe count as his other bodies? that way he could take advantage of the frankly huge disadvantage of the Royal Zinger that he's the only one to exist and incorporate it into his cultivation technique


Is this one of the ways through which the Gene Accumulation will work ? Think of the royal gene as a tiny spark. Mystic Royal Art is like fuel. The more a Zinger practices the art (adding fuel), the stronger the spark grows. The royal gene could be a specific gene that exists in only a small percentage of a Zinger's cells, perhaps concentrated in certain areas like the brain or nervous system. These cells with the royal gene act like a control center. When a Zinger practices the Mystic Royal Art, there are two possibilities: • Spark Fueled by Attraction: The spark fueled by the Mystic Royal Art attracts nearby cells, converting them into cells with the royal gene. • Spark Spreading and Latching: During cultivation, the spark (royal gene) slowly spreads throughout the body, latching onto surrounding cells and converting them. With consistent practice, the spark becomes a raging fire. The level of this "raging fire" within the body determines the grade of the Zinger. If the fire encompasses every cell, then that's a royal Zinger aka Inala. This process cold also be achieved through selective breeding. In this case the child will be born with a flame not a spark.

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thank you for the chapter

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Thank you for the Chapter. Waiiiiting for moooore!!


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


Thanks for the chapter


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza