
Comments of chapter undefined of I'll Surpass The MC


Yikes mammoth clan is gonna be turned: Tiny long nosed Phanpy!! Expert silver grade pranic beast !!! One mistake is all it takes to be turned into small walking balls of cuteness with a long nose. All the efforts of mammoth ancestor gone just like that Now imagine if boar king and inala joined forces


I was actaully happy when boar king survived, and I wouldn’t mind this team uo he was the only person not willing to punish the innocent taking it out in his children.


Gosh these are the chapters that I have been waiting for since the transformation and having it being teased to me so slowly is maddening.


One wrong choice and Gannala can say goodbye to her mystic path. At the state Inala has reached, he could also make plans so that he is completely cut off from filling up the Indigo mystic path. I know Gannala understand atleast this much. If not family relations, then at least this reason alone is enough to force them into a cooperation.


yo ,this is major . inala evolved recently so he has changes in body , mind and soul that we may not know till now but at the same time inala has always acted for the interest of the mammoth clan and he is the biggest reason mammoth clan has gotten so strong , every other mystic path has only been self focused or destructive other than grehha no other path has helped the mammoth clan and the imperian tusks as a whole more than inala . if the mammoth clan becomes the enemy of inala , these guys were in absolute despair over the boar king and yarsha they cant imagine what inala can do right now He has every information every card and every advantage and can annihilate them . gannala please dont betray your father or else ....you are all just exp,prana ,lifeforce and crafting materials .


I got really bored, so I made a Pranic beast. Feel free to use this guy in your story, Anvelope Horned Tiger Iron Intermediate grade Pranic beast. With a life span of 86 years and a Prana capacity of 280 Horned tigers are giant felines that have a red horn sticking out their head which they use to hunt they have brown fur with red stripes that look like they start from their horn leading down to their meter-long tail. Their horns also increase in density, sharpen, and length the longer they are they live. The Pack leaders are decided by the quality of their horns. Their nails are 15 centimeters long and 3 centimeters thick. Honed tigers are 5 meters long with incredible leg muscles letting them run 100 kilometers per hour. Horned tigers also have great kinetic vision paired with their amazing reflexives and natural agility it is hard to find something they can’t dodge. Unlike their earth counterparts, Horned tigers only need to sleep for 4 hours. Horned tigers never stay in one place for too long after their young become adults the pranic beasts move, and if some fall behind the horned tigers don’t go back to help.With the Horned Tiger's kinetic vision, superb speed, reflexives, sharp horns, and claws they are the perfect hunter, and their Primary Nature only adds to how fatal they are.Primary nature - Charger!Charger makes a cone-shaped prana construct that can surround the Horned Tiger increasing their penetration abilities and reducing air resistance. When a Horned tiger spots their prey they first get a running start and then they activate their Primary nature then they charge at it stabbing them with their horn before the prey even knows what happens then the horned tiger uses their Primary nature on their nails so they can tear through the prey flesh before it can begin a counterattack.


I understand where they are coming from kinda but this is a chance to have a Mystic prancic beast on their side, and I find it funny that Raaha is going to defend Gannala he has a track record of fumbling the bag when it come to Mystic Grade.


This is the second time Someone said Inala' eyes are different. I have to theories for that either the mammoth is sense something way to different in him then they used to and know are rejecting him or Mystic Royal is messing with his head and changing his view point