
Comments of chapter undefined of HP - Thomas Lamorak


Personal opinion. You might want to edit this chapter. I personally find it a little wonky to read.


I am new to writing, but the bit about the ROR was meant to be a bit all over the place to give the impression of the horcrux affecting Thomas.

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Yeah this is a dr op... A rand om all pow erful OC who just hap pens to be bet ter than Dumbledore and MC going full ret ard mode for the sake of meaning less dra ma. Ima gine being nearly cor rupted when standing away from it and then deci ding that the very best thing he can do is NOT get the F away from it and get Dumbledore but ins tead pick it up. Even wor se is the fact that the en tire ori gin story seems to have been for gotten. The rit uals that crea ted his body li teral had a copy of the Diadem as part of it and some how it has no effects on his will power or mind and hes some how wea ker than Harry with a lite ral soul pie ce in his head. And that's not even men tioning about the pho enix in side of him lol...

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T_T félix... i'm disappointed with Thomas reaction to it death.. he doesn't cherish him


rip Felix, I am really sad for your decision to use Felix for character building


man i hated this types where authors would just kill off a pet right off the bat. at least make felix live for years before killing him. All those things you writing about how the MC would raise him and would die just after 2 chapters. Like dont bother creating another pet character. This was bad writing, and you know it.

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Ty :) its sad but it has a great affect on the story so i like it :)

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i think all death objects are aberations they shouldnt exist they breaking natures rules and voldymort isnt a wizard or dark lord he is abomination and you dont reason with abominations you killem

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Thanks for the chapter