
Comments of chapter undefined of ALL MY WIVES ARE BEAUTIFUL ELVES

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I think it's cool


I will give this novel a bit more time before giving a review, since If I review it now, it won't be too high. The beginning was kinda stretched too much (for me), even tho this isn't that big of a deal (but I think some readers will leave because they got bored). Everything was going alright with some grammatical mistakes here and there, but from the moment MC met his parents outside everything went downhill FAST. I hate the open-relationship, I hate how little they care about their son mental wellbeing and how his mother acts dismissive all of a sudden. And the "ONE of my sonS" just did it for me. (I am guessing she has kids from other men), and also his 'purpose' of collecting wives seems like pokemon collecting (too many women to even remember the names of. I hope I am wrong tho) And let's not forget him not having powers (the usual bullied talentless MC, even tho his mother said he is the strongest). So overall my interest is pretty much gone, even tho I was so excited for the novel

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as long as the System is one of the nice helpfull ones i am happy with it. i like the novel, i don't like the open Marriage and the Dismissive behavior of his parents but there is also a little Potential in there for the MC to use his new powers to maybe steal his mom (he allready said he sees her as a women)from her partners or steal his dads partners or something like that, i don't know, anyway keep it up i really think you can make something of this.


My honest oppinion is, it was rushed. many inconsistent in the story. Author says everything happen for a reason in the story and i still didn't see any of it. So far many things confuse me, how old the MC is really. i already realise some character act out of the norm. Like Nebula who suddenly show care to MC when before she didn't even show any emotion. The author should stick to the style of the first few chapter, everything still good until Pete arrived at the galss house. It was go downhill from the Limbo chapter.


So the MC is below average? Is this the beginning of a shonen? He's an elf so he should at least be average, is it too forced for the protagonist to be the weakest of his race, or haven't you seen enough plots that start with the same weak MC plot?


Since you asked I'll tell you. System is for losers, usually. That's just my personal opinion. I respect MCs who are self reliant.