
Comments of chapter undefined of Marvel: King of Winter


Author are you trying to make anything related to women as weird and awkward as possible? First you have his adopted sister crying over his half-sister moving in with him. Then you got Emma Frost simply not mentioning he's her brother when they are asking if she got a boyfriend. Like really dude? I'm tempted to say you should just do no romance since it's so weird when you do it. And also you never mentioned if you'd make it a harem or not. Plz let me no so I can drop it or not. Also if you go for his sisters biological or adopted let me know that too so I can drop this.


No one has fallen in love. Unfortunately, people like good-looking people as well, just how the world works.

TijolinBr:I agree about the romance part being weird... It's pretty crazy that just because he's handsome people fell in love with him within minutes

Gods, Scott is so weird like he's obsession with Jean is honestly disgusting


Thanks For The Chapter! [img=recommend][img=update]


thanks for the chapter and honestly I'm actually pretty happy that he got all the girls falling for him but hopefully he only gets with the top tier ones like jean, wanda and gwen anyone else u add is welcome but honestly just an extra


Author, Hope to see Shang Chi in Full Power Soon - Powers and Stats Tier: 9-B | 8-C | 7-C | Unknown & Beyond Higher with Chi Key: Classic | Modern Name: Shang-Chi, Brother Hand Origin: Marvel Comics Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: Human, Supreme Commander of the Five Weapons Society, vigilante, martial arts instructor; former Champion of the House of the Deadly Hand, assassin, secret agent, fisherman and member of the Avengers, Agents of Atlas and Heroes for Hire Powers and Abilities: • Superhuman Physical Characteristics • Martial Arts (Has mastered Kung-fu, and most other martial arts. Defeated an entire army of trained assassins by himself) and Pressure Points (Can perform acupuncture and paralyze his opponents in multiple ways) • Acrobatics • Weapon Mastery (Of nunchakus, bo-staff, sword, batons and more) • Social Influencing (Was able to convince a mistrusting enemy with a physical condition, to trust his words) • Afterimage Creation (An example here) • Enhanced Senses (States Kung-fu has enhanced his senses) • Extrasensory Perception (Can sense psionic presence) • Attack Deflection (With his bracelets) • Clairvoyance (Can receive visions of events he should have no knowledge of, while meditating) and likely Instinctive Reaction (Alongside Spider-Man, developed a martial arts capable of stalemating precognition by fighter's instinct) • Resistance to Temperature Manipulation (Can walk on burning coals, pick up and throw fire and remain in a -20°F temperature shirtless) All previous abilities to an greater extend, plus: • Limited Air Manipulation (Extinguished all the torches in a courtyard with a single clap), • Chi Manipulation • Statistics Amplification • Resistance to Mind Manipulation (As shown here), Poison Manipulation (A lethal poison only knocks him out)  and Soul Manipulation (Resisted the effects of Equinox Blade, a sword capable of absorbing souls) Attack Potency: Wall level+ (Can trade hits with Iron Fist) | Building level (Can consistently harm Wolverine, and traded hits with Lady Deathstrike), higher with chi (Charging his chi, was able to send Red Hulk flying, albeit he seemed undamaged) Speed: Hypersonic (Comparable to Iron Fist) | Hypersonic (Blitzed Domino) Lifting Strength: At least Peak Human (Can snap rusty chains) | At least Peak Human Striking Strength: Wall level+ | Building level, higher with chi Durability: Wall level+ | Building level (Withstood hits from Iron Fist), higher with chi Stamina: Fought for an entire day, and can fight despite sustaining various wounds. Can hold his breathe longer than usual due to his training Range: Standard melee range, extended melee range to several meters with weaponry Standard Equipment: None notable • Optional Equipment: Arm bracelets, nunchakus, bo-staff, batons and swords Intelligence: Gifted (Holds a mastery of Kung-fu unparalleled by anyone else in the world, alongside many other martial arts, even creating some of his own. Was able to deduce Iron Fist's secret identity) Weakness : None MCU Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Master Martial Artist, Weapon Mastery, Acrobatics, Air Manipulation, and Limited Non-Physical Interaction with the Dragon Scale Staff (Dragon Scales are the only material that can touch and damage Soul Eaters) Same abilities as before. Energy Manipulation and Projection, Shockwave Generation (Can generate concussive blasts to destroy structures and launch foes), Weapon Control (Able to remotely control the Rings when he is not wearing them), Pseudo-Weapon Creation (Can use the Rings' powers to create whips and blades of energy), Pseudo-Forcefield Creation (Should be able to create forcefields by using the Rings' energy like his father), Pseudo-Platform Creation (Can use the Rings as platforms to jump on), Statistics Amplification (The Ten Rings amplify the user's strength, speed and durability), Immortality (Type 1; The Ten Rings grant the wielder eterna


Thanks for the fun chapter


Please not jean


well, that escalated quickly


the repeated use of my/his "skyscraper" is a bit jarring.


thank you for the chapter


You have a Patreon?


thanks for the chapter


thanks for the chapter


Thanks for the chapter


Thanks for the chapter! Emma better be saved,or I'll post angry words in the next chapter. Lets hope Jean's Phoenix isn't the murder-bird version and just an angry cosmic mama. Ah,I see Scott's been mind fecked by Sinestro in this universe. Interesting,hope he gets that fixed,because he's an alright dude when not crazy.


I'd vote none of them, gotta have a story first before bringing romance into the picture. I think it's too soon to even consider it.


idk why ur trynna relate jean and mc they dont mesh at all


Bruh no way


Oh, will Jack have anything to do with the 10 Rings? The objects or the orgnaztion?


Então isso confirma que Bobby Drake não existe nesse universo ? Eu não acho isso justo, e também não faz sentido, pode sim existir vários mutantes com os mesmos poderes, o que mais tem é telepata, telecinetico e pessoas malucas que podem manipular a realidade, espero que Bobby exista não só por que gosto do personagem mas também por que ele é gay e isso dá diversidade a história mesmo que ele não tenha nenhum destaque