
Comments of chapter undefined of Naruto: Senju's Talent


author what do you intend to do go to konoha or make a village dominate the grass village? If I'm not mistaken, the Kusanagi sword is from the Grass Village and was stolen by Orochimaru after he defected from the Leaf Village, so technically it's still in the Grass Village. 🤔 How about creating demon slayer breathing techniques and creating your own power together with the orphanage children and dominating the village? I really think that the demon slayer breathing technique in naruto would be powerful because of the chakra and the elements in conjunction with the kusangi sword would have a very strong group under the command of the MC could create OC's loyal to the protagonist. A few years to start the second war and the grass village is practically in the middle of the mess along with the rain village 😂😂😂😂


Grass village hmm when the uzumaki village was destroyed kushina was taken to konoha and some survivors scattered for example karin's mother who stopped at the grass village. And about the invocation of the MC in naruto it says that there are 3 sacred places, you can create a fourth sacred place, there is the invocation shiromari has a scroll with several names it was always open about the existence of a fourth sacred place after all it appeared in naruto classic but the scroll was destroyed by naruto episode 194 a giant chameleon that turned into a castle and everyone who enters it is killed.


OOO, Good start👍🏼 looking forward to


Boa sorte pela iniciativa. Eu gostei da Escrita mas ainda é pouco para falar algo. A única coisa que peço por enquanto é que Ajeite as Tags, Por exemplo se for ter Harém, Já Avise. Pois é horrível, ler e derrepente se decepcionar. Boa sorte


Anti hero is better than villain honestly I don't like you killing people randomly kill only those you really deserve basically be hashirama with your allies and madara with your enemies


Thankyou for the chapter


No harem..


Good so far Instead of wood style why not another kekkei genkai or kekkei totta?