
Comments of chapter undefined of New life with a sci-fi system

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Wondering how "potential" equaled telekinesis with multiple targets doing precise action of grabbing and snapping necks. Unless they were one at a time and just seemed otherwise. Also how he's suddenly not just picking up thoughts or peering into thoughts but outright ripping info from someone's mind. Thats a lot more than just potential. The knife joke was too far. Unless they took it as a joke that should've kept him secure for longer out of fear from such a mentality. If thats normal he's very dangerous. Especially from a world with a God emperor thats conquered over a million worlds. I'd find it far more likely they'd just kill him to be safe. Especially throwing in dealing with demons.


I get where you are coming from I kinda blasted through the details early on to get get to the fun parts. As for potential there isn't any one quality of psychic power that says it must start of weak. Jean Grey had massive psychic potential and therefore massive power. As for shredding minds and breaking necks it would require less control than actually reading minds and carefully lifting someone off the ground.


this is at least better than your last few attempts. how long before the reboot?

Author liked the comment.


Thanks for the chapter
