
Comments of chapter undefined of Naruto : The Flow Artist

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just my opinion and my suggestion. since someone has recommending martial arts for HSDK /history of strongest disciple kenichi... I think the must learn or copy from HSDK is seikuken and satsujinken. then again to compliment his alternate form /berserk form I sugest the MC learn or copy ansatsuken from street fighter, my reasoning is because the MC can't depend on his chakra that is so small, the MC got 2 choice to learn sage chakra/ or nature energy or sealing ryūmyaku/dragon vein. but I doubt that the Mc will be using ryūmyaku as his main energy/power. and so since the nature energy in the naruto world has been said to be double edge sword to the user if the user can't balance it, somehow it can be used to restraint or sealing or awaking his berserk form just like ryuu or akuma/gouki in street fighter. plus i got to agree that the MC will learn or copy some martial arts from "god of high school" for fighting against susanoō since susanoō can be said as avatar of Japanese God in samurai outfits and so why not use the martial arts of that manhwa, that can be said the each culmination of martial arts they practiced can materialize an avatar of some god. lastly there is some martial arts novel named kungfu cult master authored by jin yong that said the main MC can steal, copy, and improved techniques or taijutsu or martial arts even the energy they (the enemy) use can be steal/ copy just by seing and fighting them. even thou the martial arts description somehow looks like another version of saringan, what is your opinion (author) about using the MC martial arts from kungfu cult master as your MC skill or fighting power?


well about kungfu cult master, it's a movie that adapted from a novel "The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber" authored by jin yong. you can watching it (the movie) online since the movie is an old movie that released in 1993. (side note: the story it self may not interesting or make you feel boring after watching it) about the HSDK style or furinji style I recommend to you, the reason I recommend seikuken and satsujinken from HSDK is that seikuken ability to read and adapt to any variable technique they face just by looking how little they move from their muscle, positioning, posture, the damages his taken and any patern technique they use, that the opponent feels like yhe user is having clairvoyance in magic way and having saringan for predicting his every move in ninja way. (maybe because the concept of this move/ technique was taken from defensive move of taichi technique.) from my opinion, seikuken is comparable to saringan when analyzing the opponent in martial arts. satsujinken (HSDK) is a technique that can be say human limit breaks by releasing the power limit of human has in every fiber of his own body to even sacrificing every parts of the body for raising the momentum and the maximal output of the damage to reach the goal wich is to kill the opponent in brutal ways. (comparable to eight gates taijutsu but without chakra) actually I don't want him to become a sage master like jiraya or naruto or having sage body just like every other fanfic, but to make him (MC) can fight against chakra user even if his technique or martial arts being copied and to make a toggle or a pin or switch on his berserk mode or his last ultimate skill god mode by learning ansatsuken (from ryuū or akuma/gouki characters in street fighter). if he (the MC) can't get his daily dosages of Tsunadenium or if his lovers in danger or if he is in the bring of death. as in naruto that there is some physical change if using nature energy based on his animal sage or summoned animal and if cannot balance the nature inside the body they become a statues, animal or dead or being eaten by animal sage, so if the MC unlock nature energy by learning ansatsuken the MC can't master it (nature energy), can't nurture his body to has sage body, but he can manipulate it (nature energy) against mid-long range chakra fight and making his body strong against any chakra energy damage (e.x: being spitied with fire, water elements from his opponent, being electrified by his opponent, etc) and if he use nature energy too many time, the nature energy will consume him for accumulating nature energy inside his body as in he become berserk like chakra tailed beast or become alter ego until the MC got his daily dosages of Tsunadenium or learning to calm down his template power nature (garou/wolf/monster hybrids). sorry if my comments and opinions feels like to justify my recommendation to you or feels like forcing you the author to use my comments/opinion in your fanfic story.

The_Zen_Boy:interesting and detailed comment...Amm, I don't think I will add the furinji style because some of the martial arts I chose and his previous ones can do pretty much the smae as furinji but of course not all the furinji skills and movements. And we have The OG Garou's own MANY maryial arts that needed to be added to his arsenal which is by now quite alot and will make it difficult for me to give screen time to all of them, So i don't want to be overwhelmed too much. As for natural energy and him becoming a sage, I don't think I will be adding too much energy based things to my MC but sure I will think about. for the kungfu master cult, where can I watch the movie ? or its novel, because i don't have pretty much any information about it.

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man I wanted to comment on the paragraph saying he's the same as foxy with the bane qout but it wouldn't let me do it

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He could train the best martial art for him that is the satsui no hado


thanks for the chapter






Technically he gain something , now he could do damage to souls because of the blood


Thanks for the great chapter!


Thanks for the chapter 😁👍


I thank you for the chapter.


i cant help but say that i am dissapointed with the martial arts. you should have kept it somple, him knowing now many mrtial arts but perfecting every one of them when you add many techniques it gets confusing and forgetful. garou should stick to hisnown arts and derive new arts out of them. adding one piece and other stories martial arts just doesnt seem right to me when each of those arts require diffrent fuels (stamina,haki,chi). but its your story...