
Comments of chapter undefined of Hollywood: Head-Hunting System


MC could take ideas from the shows and movies recreate them in real world and use them for reference in his shows and movies and books including comics.

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So in regards to MHA any chance that Hero's like Mirko, Gang Orca, etc will get spin offs?

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[img=update][img=gift][img=recommend] Thank you for the chapter 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 [img=recommend][img=gift][img=update].

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TftC. Amazing.👍

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Whos the kid i don't remember

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Thanks for the chapter

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Thanks to the chapter

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tftc ramen side note I think you can definitely improve the way you write dialogue for jess

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It's definitely one of the best chapters in the story so far for me

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Thank for the chapter author.

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Thanks for the chapter

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Thanks for the chapter.


MC can also pull in ideas from other real-world books, shows and movies. Like The Player tv show, Nikita tv show, Assassins Creed movie, Wanted movie, Infinite movie and Jason Bourne books and movies. Those that don't make the cut for Overwatch just barely can be eligible to become The Player... one in each continents' gambling centre Macau, Las Vegas etc. The Player, The Dealer, The Pitboss and The House. You can watch The Player and Nikita on Tubi for reference if you like. As for Nikita and Jason Bourne a joint operations type deal with the government for clandestine activities both domestic and foreign to protect the country. A semi-official project. Government higher ups in the know. Need to know for others. Assassins Creed and Wanted type organization that recruits and trains those who are innately gifted with talent in given craft. Infinite is primarily a secretly owned and operated tech company completely separate from the outside world similar to the movie with all accounts and transactions done clandestinely through Swiss banks boasting the highest security measures. All deeds official and unofficial should be stored in a Swiss vault inside a safety deposit with multiple nonphysical countermeasures save a very unique key that will be hidden in the corner under the basement concrete floor of MC's house like John Wick did. I said nonphysical countermeasures in case you decide to give the MC another ability in which case I think the power of reincarnation from the Infinite would be perfect not weak or overpowered. No fingerprints or retinal scanner because he'd be reborn in a different body. Just a very long pin# a very complicated password maybe a puzzle in the unlikely event that the MC were to die. I'll leave it to you to figure out for yourself. Peace.


Mark should be careful about making bulletproof clothes cheaply and for everybody. The current Underarmor outfits can do that. Although not completely. The bulletproof clothing should be high-end like the movie. And it should require an up-to-date picture ID. To avoid criminals getting them easily. You can also recreate the Continental in this world if you haven't already...I can't remember if you did. Make it globally like the movie with the same or similar rules for those who stay there like assassins, hackers and Overwatch members. Mark will be the hidden shadow owner and represent and lead the high tables' highest levels with other members unaware of his true power and position. He could play as the high tables' treasurer to avoid making a move personally. No organization would risk their moneymaker or bookkeeper unless absolutely necessary. Boom!!!


Thanks for the chapter. For the joker film you can make several sequels: in the 1st film like the original one. the 2nd is about joker who joins the criminal world and he is at the bottom of the ladder of his gang which he freed from the police in the 1st and film where he will learn to become a real criminal and he increases in hierarchy. And finally in the third film he rebels and conquers the entire city, he becomes the king of the American underworld with potentially the Kingpin of Marvel under his orders.