
Comments of chapter undefined of OLD-WORLD EXTRA

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I finally understand what bother me so much with this novel, I never feel like there is a danger , i never feel atached to any character , Émir feel just to perfect no mistake in any action , no hésitation just power blazing any obstacle. after so many chap I finally know why I can't get into it . Émir just feel inorganic ,à perfect being with anecdotic flaw who tremple any opposent

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Logically - all celestials should be at least combat veterans with quite a lot of fights in their past. Having a certain skills granted by eather doesn’t remove their previous experience and the basic understanding of how combat plays. When someone is very strong and equipped with long range abiliries he should be aware that most if not all enemies will try moving near him to negate some of his arsenal. He should have a response to that. In general learning something new will grant you a big boon of expertise at the start wih little time investment. Becoming proficient or expert usually takes a lot more time. Yet someone who knows tha basics good and is on the defense can be a real problem even for an expert to take in a short time.

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