
Comments of chapter undefined of Ace combat In Multiverse?!


Cant wait next chapter.

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You know Souleye, including my review that where I mentioned my concerns, I will include one particular comment here which is giving an explanation on where exactly all these aircrafts come from as sooner or later, Renard to give at least a somewhat reasonable explanation on where exactly he gets his planes and he can't say its from the System obviously. My idea is to bring Grunder Industries into play though changing its background so its not that mess of a company that loves starting wars as revenge for Osea destroying its homeland. Basically speaking, I'm thinking that Grunder is an elite secret manufacturing company that doesn't simply picks its customers by who has the most cash but a sort of, Ace of Aces company that only serves those who proves themselves properly in combat as a worthy customer. Because of that, only those of the Round Table, those who are connected to the members of the Round Table or those who are potential candidates of said Table are allowed to purchase their Aircrafts from them as any other customer would only be given a big fat zero. This type of explanation would also explain to those looking to buy said planes a good reason into why exactly they have never hear of such an organization capable of producing machines that can destroy whole armies as their going to be drooling at the sight of the Arsenal Birds and such.


Me gusta este tipo de historias ya que son muy únicas y raras por aquí de temática militar No lo abandones me gusta mucho esto


Tftc can’t wait to see other worlds


Thanks for the chapter I hope we see more chapters of Other Worlds


any Updates yet pls


I thought something happened to you like getting involved in an accident and you have been confined to a hospital lols 😂 but pls update soon


Give that man a German accent and we are done