
Comments of chapter undefined of CEO of Seduction

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I am not an expert in giving advice but seeing you are manifesting your feelings with Rory's feelings, whether it is a coincidence or not, is quite alarming. On the one hand, its good right? bec you are able to, in a way, let it out, and bec you have self awareness is also very inportant. I just wanted to say its ok to not be ok. I know you are grieving and it might be one of the triggers. Of course at some point in our lives, we've felt the pain and loss of a loved one and the pain doesn't really go away. It dulls with time but right now it is at its sharpest. We just want you to know that we feel you. Sending love and prayers for your loved one who passed and strength for the whole family. We may have different faiths but we lift up to the Lord his or her soul. He/she is now in a wonderful place, in the warm embrace of our Almighty Creator 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️💐💐💐

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omg Luci is sooooo cute 😍

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I'm so sorry for your loss, Emme_z Please, do take care and take things easy....Life is just a fleeting moment

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This novel has been one of my favorites and the way the characters and the plot have evolved are very gripping. I have always been a sucker for a knight saving the damsel story (lol). I see myself as one of those women who adheres equality of gender but this romance novels just get to me (sigh). I always fall for your MLs here. Strong but gentle, sinister but good, rough but loving. And your FLs are also so beautiful and lovely inside and out. Your love scenes are just whew, so very freaking hot and also very poetic at the same time. it has my heart pumping and at the same time makes me sigh and smile.Everyday, I look forward to reading this novel. It came to a point when my day is not complete without. It didn't hurt either that update is almost everyday. I could understand though when you had that break. We're all people and not robots anyway.Adding Rory and Luce's story has made it more exciting and all the more maddening. Hope this story would last a hundred chapters more. We just love it and we LOVE you so just hang in there. We are just hanging and chilling here with you. Hugs, kisses and warm arms around your shoulders 🤗😘🥰

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I hope Dex doesn’t question his choices here. They can do a private vacation later…. Rory needs some intervention here. And the guys can keep watch. I’m sure Luci can tell that Rory has been crying…. Dex and Luci need to protect their sweetnesses now. 🥰

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Sorry to hear of your loss. Glad you are back & hope writing again helps, at this difficult time. Take the time you need to feel things & go thru the stages of grief. & know that no matter how you feel, it’s ok Everyone handles things differently & in their own time. ❤️

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sorry for the loss,author emme_z.no matter how we try our lost ones will always be in our memories reminding us that they are no more n how much we miss them.

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❤️❤️❤️ f

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Luci is in full protector mode. I love that the sisters got some time to bond and I can’t wait for that dinner time discussion. I am so sorry for you loss Emme!!! ❤️❤️❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

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he is absolutely correct they should be in the middle in between the two men. and im glad Rory is opening up about what she is geeling and glad she is willing to talk about her shared dream experience over dinner i dint remember if Lucci knows of Rayas and Dex shared dream experience

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Oh Emme, I'm just seeing this. I'm so sorry for your loss. How are you holding up?

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

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I am so sorry for your loss ❤️❤️❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss! please take the time you need! We'll all be here whenever you come back!


I am sorry for the lost Author😔. Take care of urself