
Comments of chapter undefined of CEO of Seduction


I’m worried that Lawson put a bug on the locket! He is so sneaky!

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Raya needs to tell Dex about his brothers schemes soon. Dex is funny trying to justify why he won’t call his dad about Raya staying in the guest house. He just wants her close but won’t admit it to himself. He’s beeing cute but I hope it won’t hurt him later down the road.

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He IS a good egg!! I’m glad Will recognizes that. I hope Raya tells Dex about Lawson’s plans soon though…

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It's just too cute how he's fumbling over his words. I'm sure that he's not easily flustered. Raya makes him nervous and I love it 😂 I didn't think that he actually called his sick father about this but I didn't wanna think he was lying. Is that a flaw in the perfect Dex Mobius? I know that he's not the type of person that just goes around lying. He knows that she would feel better about staying in the guest house if his father is okay with it. Who tf cares what Lawson thinks about it?!? I'm sure that he's gonna have something to say about it but they are both grown.


you need to tell him what Lawson is planning you dont want it to come out and him think you were working with Lawson