
Comments of chapter undefined of The Rise of Australia


Why do I feel like this timeline will turn into something similar to Kaiserreich ? Like, France loosing the first world war and becoming communist, Russia being weakened but still strong, Germany being the main power of Europe. Althought I can already see the differences to such universe I feel like the final result will be something similar


So your guess is more or less Mc pulling an Italy, right ?

kinggaming:I wouldn't mind that's cause I'm tired of kingdom builders or stories that take place in this timeline always go the route of don't do anything in the first world War have Germany lose and then either join Germany or fight Germany but later on so everyone is still weak and they become world Super power I would like a change like Germany wins Australia is apart of the German winners but instead of Germany making the comeback its the UK or France or both and then Australia without joining the Germany joins the other side fights them every one still weak and they become hegemon but at least it would be a Lil different and not basically the same type of copy paste layout of how both world wars go or you know you could just have it decided in a first world War that is like ten to fifteen years delayed allowing a bigger build up meaning more devastation it would probably last longer cause of the bigger build up hence giving Australia even more time to build and grow and benefit from the devastation and then join one side steam roll and become hegemon