
Comments of chapter undefined of The Primordial Record


and all of those so called ancestors are nothing to an archangel much less Rowan. I really hate Trion. it's the worst part of the novel. They are nothing yet aregiven so much time and hype for no reason.


You create the rules and you put a hard cap on power within a universe. Rowan hit that cap while Trion gods did not. Trion gods are inferior versions of Rowan siblings since they are half primordials and half empryans While Rowan is a full primordial now with the primordial record. Author your story is amazing but you left Trion for too long and now they should pose zero threat to Rowan if his father did not interfere.

BRICKTRADER:Do you want me to use plot armor to make Rowan win? His opponent is a shadow of a freaking primordial who has agenda we don't fully understand. Why would I spend so much effort building trion when there are greater threats? Let me give you a spoiler for free, of Rowan enters Trion without preparation, he dies!

thanks for the chapter