
Comments of chapter undefined of The Primordial Record


and all of those so called ancestors are nothing to an archangel much less Rowan. I really hate Trion. it's the worst part of the novel. They are nothing yet aregiven so much time and hype for no reason.


I have no issue with all of that. All you said can be boiled down to a simple fact. Trion is nothing and it's inhabitants are nothing with the only danger being the God king who is Rowan father. I have an issue with the normal population of Trion. You keep treating them as something special when they are nothing. I feel Trion is pathetic because the forces outside the universe can kill them easily by destroying the universe itself. Rowan could not stay in the universe at his full power since the universe can't contain people at his level which means Trion abd its gods are weaker with the only threat being his father. We returned back to the same point. Trion is pathetic in the grans scheme of things with Rowan father being the only threat.

BRICKTRADER:Think for a minute. Who is behind Trion? Must I reveal the entire plot for you in advance? I have given many hints on what Trion is, down to the fact that the gods of Trion has weapons that could kill true immortals. Okay let go back for a minute. If Rowan did not have a Will now do you think he would have survived against the weapon that killed Ohrox?

thanks for the chapter