
Comments of chapter undefined of Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!

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I like the story, it’s great. The way you are going it is good and bad chapter wise, when you do slow chapters it would be great if is was just a long chapter and what you do normally for everything else( ok I would love way longer chapters Tor everything but you take what you can get.🤷‍♂️). BUT the story is still great as it is.😁😍

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Love these setup chapters that give more depth and lore to this story

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I think there has to be a balance between exposition and action. Finished exposition gives weight to action. A random permanent powerup that works on a mechanic introduced in the same chapter that doesn't link up with the rest of the story's powerscale will make the next win feel meaningless, while gaining power after suffering a bunch for it will make the use of the power available feel as if there's weight to it. I feel Shadow Slave does this really well, as it builds an epic world that had to be explained and discovered to make sense, but without it getting boring to read.

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All good here, no complaints. I love the story so far. Sooooo looking to see what happens next [img=recommend]

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I think the variations of 'speed' you have is pretty solid. Training in general can be condensed in most WN books(Honestly don't remember any long multi chapter training just my point of view) but overall the importance of the 'scene' should dictate how much you expand on it. No complaints here 👌

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The only thing I want is more words! Lol you can only write so fast but that doesn’t make me less anxious!

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Happy with the developments so far, but definitely want more chapters related to origin expanse exploration, since its been so long 😅

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Everything is great, the slow chapters are still engaging. If it was all action all the time, the more important events like large scale battles and such would be less impactful. It is well balanced, just keep doing what you're doing.

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A flow of both is necessary, you are doing perfect, the character isn’t progressing too fast like 99% of novels on here, it’s not the same cliché storylines that have been repeated several times, you not only build the character but the characters and the world around him which makes for a super immersive story. It’s very rare that I find a novel I enjoy on here especially with your release rate overall I would rate this novel 9.5 out of 10 the .5 is for my ruined sleep schedule waiting up to read an extra chapter 😂😂😂

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You can’t have a constant build up and action it devalues it when you have action.. DBZ power creep or one piece is a good example. You should reference mech touch. It done a great job of not creating a overpowered lead. I have seen many stories where the outcome became very clear and it repeated many story points multiple times becoming very boring. You have reached a wonderful balance and I think your only objective should be to figure out how long it will take to tell your story. It clear based on his power level that once Micheal hits tier 6 or 7 he would be undefeatable. So, you might want to prolong his growth and figure out a balance on his journey in origin. You currently have not really explored much of origin expanse or the great universe

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Slow chapters for the sake of being slow and adding word count aren't fun for anyone. Slow chapters that build tension, develop the world, and show interactions and perspectives we wouldn't have otherwise seen are great!

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I really really like this WebNovel! I think you are pacing things well, with consistently frustrating cliffhangers that keep people hooked for the next chapter, regardless of whether it is a world-building/training/management chapter, or an action-based combat/training chapter! There are two things I’m very interested in seeing, first is more management of the territory and some of the nitty-gritty details of new buildings, how they impact the territory not solely for the army but across all sections of the territory such as industry chains! Second, is the romance, and allowing the characters to naturally grow closer, as right now Michael is as dense as a black hole about Alice, and it would be great (whether they get together or not) for him to really see her.

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all good here. My advice is to speed up the storyline and don't beat around the bush

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I wanna see some screams :)

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keep going the way you see fit. novel is super enticing

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Good balance and good build up to the next set of action

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Good chap

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Welcome back mate hope you enjoyed whatever you were up to, story is going good direction, it’s nice to see he didn’t keep his super OP extraction kinda would have ruined the story at this point in my opinion if he got it this early wondering what’s going to happen if Micheal extracts them and they die won’t he explode from to much power since they are a higher life form and all of that

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Story is Good so far that’s why I’m still here 😅. I like the character growth it’s steady. A time skip would be amazing though for Michael character development but should take place after the soul trait auction.

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I honestly like how you pace things. You take the time to go into details where it is required to grasp your ideas. You don't go into overwhelming details when it is not required. I feel as if I am learning things with Michael as he encounters new issues, and it doesn't feel like he has a surprising major grasp on a new concept that is newly introduced. You make Michael relatable for any busy person who feels overwhelmed with all the tasks they need to complete on a daily basis.