
Comments of chapter undefined of Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!


I think it’s great! There is so much room for him to grow and become a monster. Also still so weak so he needs to get stronger. Hope this story keeps going.

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I think the progress of the story in the origin realm is fine, the progress of the story with the school is a bit slow. It’ s slow in that he is just getting information from what he is learning, there isn’ t a lot of interaction or sense of urgency yet. Overall it’ s fine because of the focus of the origin realm.

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I agree with leokey. Progress is fine and developing the world is important. You’v created a world with 2 timelines and I believe both should developed at ur pace. I don’ know ur plans for the academy because I’m not a mind reader but support you and think that ur books are great


the pace is fine ...but cant we have him focus on tamer trait ..to tame local monsters enhance them and have em lead their groups to bolster defence or something??


I like the story. I wish that the MC work extract more abilities and give them to his brother and his subjects though. I like how the author is limiting them or it will get out of hand. But if the author could slowly start adding some more extractions so he can give them to others that would be great.


I’m here for the ride, I’m enjoying the story so far. As always I can depend on Hidi for a great novel.


perfect pace and progress


Really good pace, and you are developing a truly interesting world. Kudos, I am really enjoying the story :-)


I currently love the pace the story is going at. 😊 Keep up the good work author-san!




The percentage of soul trait obtained is a little weird especially since there were 43 adventurers this time and also that the last time Extraction was not even at level 4. It's a bit forced to say: Yes the luckily, he got nothing. We see that the author is involved in the flow of the story. I advise you to find a solution when it is like that. Like for example: he obtains soul traits that he is not interested in and finds a solution by himself by using extraction on the soul traits to obtain "soul fragments". Mechanics which would also be very interesting because it would allow him to sacrifice certain useful soul traits by obligation to mount another soul trait because the situation means that he needs it immediately at the higher level. I don't know if you follow me. ^^' What you need to remember is above all that we see that it is you who put a restriction on the novel when the story should be fluid and follow its course. Many would not realize it but for those who read a lot, it is obvious. That's it for the tips.