
Comments of chapter undefined of THE NINTH HERO


And when can we expect you to continue with the great work??... IF like SOOO MAAANYY others on Webnovel - ypu ARE QUITTING - THEN PLEASE send my email the COPYRIGTH TO THIS NOVEL!!... I am planning out doing a COMPILATION of much too provocatively dropped novels in same genre and compatible workings and world builds - to make a sort of collective grand work - kinda like Endless Path:Infinite Cosmos using various superhits of animation over last 15 years taking most genious ones in total as in sections of a multibook works :-)Hence my question - ALSO since I am FURIOUS PAYING THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS PER GRAND BOOK AND UNBELIEAVEABLY SEE IT DROPPED OVER AND OVER!!...HENCE I hope to gather permissions and rigths and hooefully compile a free or extremely cheap novel! (as in: 30 to 40 USD like what a leather hard cover gold printed costs in bookstore)


I sincerely apologize for the delays in my writing. It was not intentional, but due to my own physical condition, I had to take a break from writing for a while. Unfortunately, afterward, I found myself making excuses, which eventually led to feelings of depression. I am deeply grateful for the support and understanding I received from my family during that challenging time. I truly understand how frustrating and disappointing my inactivity must have been for you. I take full responsibility for it and deeply regret any inconvenience it may have caused. Please know that I am genuinely sorry for not keeping up with my commitments. Moving forward, I promise to make a sincere effort to be more active and to update more frequently. I value your trust and your understanding, and I will do my best to avoid any further delays. Thank you for your patience.

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Yay! New chapter😁😀 keep up the good work please.

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I am DEEPLY appreciative of your HONEST and personal answer to my inquiry into the future status of your greatly well authored/written book! :-) (y)I am myself ALSO greatly personally experienced with an event chain as reaction - such as yourselves! I am HENCE frustrated yes - BUT I do understand WHY SO / HOW SO / WHAT SO / W****** WHICH AS W*-xyz listed out of dictionary of synonymously relatable words as concepts ; REGARDING ***-æøå wildcard various suitable. And so forth!But THANK YOU for answering and include your status situation hence making able to expect aforementioned novel book to "IE_'ther" go "AI_THER" WAY - depending upon how your total health as social and mental realm area relateables are progressing.PRAYER FOR YOU:~ Mother Earth BlessYou and Yours, so Thou Shalt Not Want nor Need - So I wish and pray to YOU MOTHER EARTH - MY GODESS for this young individual to Better Become - If So Shall Be, for I am man ONLY and NOT a GODESS LIKE YOU MOTHER EARTH - My Godess - My Mother - My Godess ; Thank You For Your Listening Mother Earth - My Godess ~Best of wishes! / Kim SilverHorse

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is the novel dropped ?

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola