
Comments of chapter undefined of Walking with Celestials

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I really like your writing style, it adds extra imagery to scenes. There were a few places where it almost broke the flow, but overall it was excellent. Keep it up.


What are specific places that you felt broke the flow? I've read over my own writing so many times I sometimes don't notice how it could sound to other people so any examples would really help me improve.

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I liked the setup of the story and the mysteries involving Hirow. I'm definitely curious about how everything will turn out. One thing I will note is that the chapter needs a bit more editing, whether it be in sentence structure or grammar. I'm not sure I really relate to Hirow either, since I don't know much about him beyond the little introductions included. I think a bit more characterization and world development (without being too info-dumpy!) would be a good direction. Overall, I like the potential!

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Your writing is very poetic, even when it's not an actual poem. It's very descriptive in terms of the environment, so I can imagine the scenes more vividly. Great job!

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i just love the way you write, it's calming to read and I can easily picture what's going on thanks to the descriptions. I like how you ended the chapter too

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that was intrigued prologue I gotta say, a good job!